yt-dlp can download m3u8 playlists AFAIK
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I was going to suggest this but I couldn't say it's "casual user" friendly. That said, there is no better utility.
There are many GUIs for yt-dlp.
Stacher is what I use. Makes things very easy.
It looks nice, but is it still open source?
That is a fair question. I honestly have no idea.
I use Parabolic on Linux and YTDLnis on Android. I chose them because of the consistency of design with the OS.
I missed that in the OP.
That's alright, it started the discussion and I learned about the GUIs
~~VLC might work, testing now~~
~~It's slow to get started compared to ffmpeg~~
Convert and save grabbed the audio only, need to play with it more
Not strictly user-friendly but this how I usually do it with this ONE command:
ffmpeg -allowed_extensions ALL -protocol_whitelist file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto -i PLAYLIST.m3u -codec copy OUTPUT.mp4
Have you checked JDownloader. I think it may work. Haven't tested though.
It looks old, but I will try it and report back