Gg! I never considered upgrading the Ring of Force that much. Always seemed better to just put those upgrades into a weapon. I'm aware of thr Brawler's Stance though. Did you just forego the weapon abilities for the damage from the ring?
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No. You can still use the abilities since the weapons are equipped. I had a Grim dagger and a kinetic mace. Since you get the enchantments in brawler stance it worked out well. I was clocking people for about 200 on some hits.
I wws referring to the loss of weapon ability recharge
Ran into this little guy on level 14. Had 2+ plate armour and he dished out 71 damage in a shot. Knocked me out, used an ankh, came back and he hit me again for about the same damage. Wasn't going to fuck around and find out so I used a stone of sleep.
This was the equivalent of opening a box, getting punched in the face with a boxing glove on a spring, and then closing the box back up and putting a note on it that reads do not open until Christmas
Thankfully I didn't meet him on the way up.
DM 300 with badder bosses was only dishing out like 8 DMG.