Wand of fire works well.
Mixing potions of Paralysis and Toxic holds and poisons them.
A stone of Aggression to make them attack each other.
It's tough when they don't come to the door.
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Wand of fire works well.
Mixing potions of Paralysis and Toxic holds and poisons them.
A stone of Aggression to make them attack each other.
It's tough when they don't come to the door.
I used a scroll of rage and that kind of worked. Thankfully my armour took everything they could throw at me, and I only ever really got in trouble if an evil eye shot me unexpectedly from across the room
Wand of FireBlast's op
It never fucking drops for me, esp if I'm a mage
LMAO, I own one in my current run 😂
I have living earth staff and a corrosion wand this run and it's working really well
Yeah, actually the wand of corrosion excels if paired with any type of enemy-aggro that beckons the enemies towards the corrosive gas. The sad ghost is an example, paired with its immunity to gases and your ability to control it makes it one of the best pairs with the wand. The living earth is good too, it just doesn't have as much hp.
One strategy of mine lately has been to stockpile potions of mind vision and scrolls of psionic blast for the lower demon halls depths for times when the scorpions and evil eyes are being oppressive.
I try to save a couple for the ascent too.