Company stops doing obviously annoying thing when people tell them to stop doing obviously annoying thing
Windows 10
Welcome to the largest community for Microsoft Windows 10, the world's most popular computer operating system! feel free to discuss everything about Windows 10!. But, keep it civil please
Alas, if only that were always true :-(
Ahh whatever, run!
That's why I ditched Windows entirely! Why not save the preference somewhere? (I know why but shhh). I understand if Windows 11 was an upgrade to Windows 10 but it's a downgrade and half finished OS, why would you want to switch to it? I don't know if it improved but I know it has/had some unfinished redesigns soo F Microsoft
I have been using Linux on the desktop over the last 3 decades on and off, and my homelab is fully on Linux. But for the desktop I rely on some audio workstation software that is just too expensive and good to not use.... Maybe, when Windows 10 support is ended I might have to do the switch....