Wouldn't wanna be arrested for saying you need to go "blow up the bathroom."
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For anyone out of the loop on that one:
Hey ooooh!
Reading this on 9/11 hits different
My poop schedule is so routine that even if I poop late in the night, I still need to poop in the morning when I wake up.
Where are you going?
Just landed in Toronto. Heading to Niagara. Plane landed early so we got time to kill.
You mean, time to poop!
You could even poop back and forth.
Considering I flew today I made sure to drink/eat whatever irritating thing to make sure I was empty on the plane. Short flight but wasn't worth the risk especially since one toilet was broken.
Glyercerin suppositories are your friend. And welcome to Niagara from an ex-pat.
solved pooping for myself using an enema twenty years ago. not a single trouble, I poop whenever I want, and I do it in 40 seconds maximum. sprinkle ~70ml of water, blow out, rinse the butt, done.
The bidet is useful for getting things started.
yes. the bidet when you poop at home, and an enema when you are not at home.
Can you do that? Willing yourself to poop is an amazing feat.
Unfortunately no. Fortunately I didn't need to go on the plane either.
i take Imodium before flying. every 4 hours if it's that long