Here are a bunch in Factor, taking the easy way when the solution is already in the standard library:
USING: calendar ;
ALIAS: leap? leap-year?
Reverse String
USING: sequences ;
ALIAS: reverse-string reverse
USING: kernel math.functions math.parser sequences ;
: raindrops ( n -- sound )
{ 3 5 7 } [ dupd divisor? ] map
[ { "Pling" "Plang" "Plong" } nth "" ? ] map-index
[ number>string ] [ nip ] if-empty
Roman Numerals
USING: roman ;
ALIAS: roman-numerals >ROMAN
Protein Translation
USING: combinators grouping kernel sequences sequences.extras sets ;
: RNA>proteins ( RNA -- proteins )
3 group
[ { "UAA" "UAG" "UGA" } in? ] cut-when drop
{ [ dup "AUG" = ] [ "Methionine" ] }
{ [ dup "UGG" = ] [ "Tryptophan" ] }
{ [ dup { "UUU" "UUC" } in? ] [ "Phenylalanine" ] }
{ [ dup { "UUA" "UUG" } in? ] [ "Leucine" ] }
{ [ dup { "UAU" "UAC" } in? ] [ "Tyrosine" ] }
{ [ dup { "UGU" "UGC" } in? ] [ "Cysteine" ] }
{ [ dup { "UCU" "UCC" "UCA" "UCG" } in? ] [ "Serine" ] }
} cond nip
] map
USING: sequences sequences.extras splitting unicode ;
: >TLA ( phrase -- TLA )
" -" split
[ [ Letter? ] filter ] map-harvest
[ 1 head >upper ] map-concat
USING: kernel math sequences sets ;
CONSTANT: scores
{ "eggs" "peanuts" "shellfish" "strawberries" "tomatoes" "chocolate" "pollen" "cats" }
: (allergy-test) ( allergens remainder -- allergens' remainder' )
dup log2
[ scores ?nth '[ _ suffix! ] dip ]
[ 2^ - ] bi
: allergy-test ( allergen total -- allergic? allergens )
V{ } clone swap
[ (allergy-test) ] until-zero sift
dup [ in? ] dip