Hate em all equally
Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
1. No hate or adult themes of any kind: NSFW or illegal material, hate speech, personal attacks, harassment, doxxing, bullying, etc. are all strictly forbidden. Crude or offensive language should be kept to a minimum or avoided entirely.
2. Posts must directly relate to Pixel Dungeon: All content posted must directly reference Pixel Dungeon or one of its variants in some form. Loose connections or similar nomenclature from irrelevant works do not count.
3. Do not use other's work without giving credit: You may post things that were created by other people, but you must link to the original and credit the author. AI generated content is prohibited, as crediting the original authors is impossible.
4. Follow site-wide rules: https://legal.lemmy.world/fair-use/
We have a few title tags for standout posts:
- [MOD] - Posts by moderators about the community
- [DEV] - Announcements from a developer of a PD version
- [OC] - Self-made original content
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I will not miss an opportunity to say that pharma is the best challenge
I like badder bosses, swarm int and runes quite a bit. Hostile champs keeps you on your toes and pulls enough random bullshit that it's a constant challenge paired with the above.
I don't really like barren land, I find removing mechanics like plants unfun.
I can honestly say that I've not yet tried any challenges. But you've got me interested now, thanks for that!
As a Huntress player who relies on range and grass cover, Darkness and Barren are the 2 I dislike the most (though I could deal with them in a low chal run). FiMA can be rough but it teaches you a lot about avoiding damage, similar for Pharma where healing is at a premium especially time-wise.