Google will soon start testing a new ‘IP protection’ feature for Chrome users, offering them greater control over their privacy. The tech giant the upcoming feature prevents websites from tracking users by hiding their IP address using proxy servers owned by Google.
To give you a quick recap, IP address is a unique numerical identifier that can be used to track a user’s geographical location and is used by advertisers to track a user’s browsing habits, see which websites they visit and provide personalized ads.
According to Google, the IP protection feature will be rolled out in multiple stages, with Phase 0 redirecting domains owned by Google (like Gmail) to a single proxy server. The company says the first phase will allow them to test its infrastructure and only a handful of users residing in the US will be enrolled.
Google also said that the upcoming IP protection feature will be available for users who have logged in to Chrome. To prevent misuse the tech giant will be implementing an authentication server that will set a quota for every user.
In the following phases, Google will start using a 2-hop proxy system, which essentially redirects a website’s request to a Google server that will again be redirected to an external CDN like Cloudflare.
While the IP protection feature might enhance user privacy, the tech giant has clarified that it is not a foolproof system. If a hacker is able to gain access to Google’s proxy server, they will be able to analyse all traffic passing through the network and even redirect users to malicious websites.
Since most of Google’s revenue comes from tracking users across the internet and offering them personalized ads, it will be interesting to see how the company strikes a balance between user privacy and revenue generation.
That will just allow google to track every website you visit.
Both. It will prevent other sites from seeing some of your data, while giving Google more of your data. Of course Google wants to do this, it gives them a competitive edge. Smells like brewing lawsuits, though.
Using one dominant position (Chrome market share) to extend into another (data brokerage) is textbook Monopoly 101.
Yeah, we saw Microsoft do that with Windows and Internet Explorer back in the day.
Nobody can track what you're looking at*!
*For free any more because now they'll have to pay us for that data which we'll have wayyyy more of."
Nah, they don't sell your data. They sell their ability to serve you ads based on their data about you.
Google also operates in the EU. They'll probably get a slap on the wrist in the end, but first there will be a widely publicized lawsuit.
Damn, and here I thought I lived in the United Kingdom.
I guess this is America? Who knew!
We're all living in Amerika, Amerika ist wunderbar!
I hate to admit how accurate this is
Second pull the ladder move of Google in a short succession.
If you use Chrome, I'm sure they already do. Between Google History, using their DNS-over-HTTPs, etc
This gives them the ability to more readily track and manipulate the content of the websites you visit without it being done by software on your machine.
Additionally, any tomfoolery will happen in the cloud, so you won't be able to see it happening by going through the chromium source, looking in the network tab, in Wireshark, in your router logs, etc.