I'm getting rate_limit_error
on the API when posting posts with just title+url. What is the default rate limit for posts? Do all requests have a rate limit or only posts?
Can I get the rate limit from an instance with a request to the API?
"local_site_rate_limit": {
"id": 1,
"local_site_id": 1,
"message": 180,
"message_per_second": 60,
"post": 6,
"post_per_second": 600,
"register": 3,
"register_per_second": 3600,
"image": 6,
"image_per_second": 3600,
"comment": 6,
"comment_per_second": 600,
"search": 60,
"search_per_second": 600,
"published": "2023-02-05T03:52:36.832982"
I'm getting limit rate with a 10 second delay so 1/post_per_second = 0,0016
seconds / post delay is not right. So what do those even mean and what is the delay I should have between posts?
A GET call to /api/v3/site also returns a parameter local_site_rate_limit where the different limits are shown.