Microsoft.Testing.Platform: Now Supported by All Major .NET Test Frameworks - .NET Blog
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@Kissaki It's not obvious to me from either the Microsoft announcement or the XUnit announcement here: https://xunit.net/docs/getting-started/v3/microsoft-testing-platform
So... Is there any benefit to me, as a developer, right now, to using the new testing platform over the old?
I think it simplifies setup because you only have to set the SDK, not include runner dependencies? I think it's also more performant and may have different console output? (I think I read that before, but not sure anymore.)
At work I migrated all unit test projects to the new system. IIRC mainly because it's a FOSS solution and forward-facing, and a simplification of dependency/project setup.
I can't give you anything concrete though. In the MS blog post they label it an alternative. You're fine to stick with VSTest for now, without significant downsides.