this post was submitted on 29 Jan 2025
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"Coming up at eleven: The politician is just lying for your vote; The stripper doesn't really like you; Corporations are NOT your friend; If you're receiving a service you aren't paying for, YOU are the product; and, finally, we conclude our three-part series: Water - It's Wet As Fuck Tho"
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Fucking Duolingo? The fuck? What do they need to track users for like that?
Anti Commercial-AI license
It's a for profit public company. I've been playing around with the idea of possibly creating a FOSS app that would run its servers via donations and (same as duolingo in the beginning at least) community created courses. Would need support from proper linguists though.
There are other apps like that but they lack the sleek UI and gamifying aspect or simply have only one language.
I pay for duolingo so I hate that they are tracking me but it's the only actually fun casual language learning app out there and honestly I don't mind paying for such a good app, but their monetization schemes are getting more aggressive: e.g. time limit games which are nearly impossible without paying for "extra time potions" which you don't get even if you have the paid version.
Edit: just to add to the time-limit games: you can just not participate in them, but fuck me for paying to the app and still having that bullshit in my UI. is looking for contributors 😉 It's written in python, so if you want to take a stab at that, I'm sure they'd be very happy to have you.
Anti Commercial-AI license
Lemmy provides once again, thanks @[email protected]! I'll have to see if I can get back into python and take a look into this project
Alright then, keep your ~~secrets~~ 3rd star
I can't keep a calm frodo face while seeing something that has not been completed on my ~~journey~~ duolingo learning path