this post was submitted on 24 Jan 2025
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It's time. Everyone agrees the DNC is a failure for numerous reasons. It's time to stop bitching and figure out how to fix it.

How do we get people like Bernie, AOC and Jon Stewart in charge?

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[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago (2 children)

My biggest frustration with the party is in how it just evaporates the week after the election. I'd been an avid volunteer since 2006, and it felt like every two years I was starting over from ground zero. I could never find the "in" with party organizers, because it was all consultants attaching themselves to candidates, whipping up pools of volunteers, and then collapsing back into nothing at the end of the cycle.

During the off-seasons, district and county meetings were pretty empty. We had a city councilor who organized trash cleanups and other civic activities - which, that's fine on its face but not political activity just unpaid janitorial work. We had mayors who would sit patiently through meetings, nodding and smiling and agreeing with everyone, and then did his own thing regardless of public sentiment.

Deeply enervating.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago

My biggest frustration with the party is in how it just evaporates the week after the election

Same. My business is across the street from the former local Democrat headquarters. The week before the election there came to me and said they wanted to keep their lease going and asked if in exchange for me caring for the place i I got to use it as extra space. I own a local game shop and could use the area for larger Magic games, and for d&d. but the day after the election I showed up to work and their space was totally empty.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

the party is in how it just evaporates the week after the election.

Yep. which shows you how concerned they are with the electorate when it's not voting season.