this post was submitted on 06 Dec 2024
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Day 6: Guard Gallivant

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[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm not proud of it.

I have a conjecture though, that any looping solution, obtained by adding one obstacle, would eventually lead to a rectangular loop. That may lead to a non brute-force solution. It's quite hard to prove rigorously though. (Maybe proving, that the loop has to be convex, which is an equivalent statement here, is easier? You can also find matrix representations of the guard's state changes, if that helps.)

Maybe some of the more mathematically inclined people here can try proving or disproving that.

Anyways, here is my current solution in Kotlin:

fun main() {
    fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
        val puzzleMap = PuzzleMap.fromPuzzleInput(input)
        return puzzleMap.asIterable().indicesWhere { it is MapObject.Visited }.count()

    fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
        val puzzleMap = PuzzleMap.fromPuzzleInput(input)

        return puzzleMap.asIterable().indicesWhere { it is MapObject.Visited }.count {
            val alteredPuzzleMap = PuzzleMap.fromPuzzleInput(input)
            alteredPuzzleMap[VecNReal(it)] = MapObject.Obstacle()

    val testInput = readInput("Day06_test")
    check(part1(testInput) == 41)
    check(part2(testInput) == 6)

    val input = readInput("Day06")

enum class Orientation {

    fun rotateClockwise(): Orientation {
        return when (this) {
            NORTH -> EAST
            EAST -> SOUTH
            SOUTH -> WEST
            WEST -> NORTH
    fun asVector(): VecNReal {
        return when (this) {
            NORTH -> VecNReal(listOf(0.0, 1.0))
            SOUTH -> VecNReal(listOf(0.0, -1.0))
            WEST -> VecNReal(listOf(-1.0, 0.0))
            EAST -> VecNReal(listOf(1.0, 0.0))

class PuzzleMap(objectElements: List<List<MapObject>>): Grid2D<MapObject>(objectElements) {
    private val guard = Grid2D(objectElements).asIterable().first { it is MapObject.Guard } as MapObject.Guard

    companion object {
        fun fromPuzzleInput(input: List<String>): PuzzleMap = PuzzleMap(
            input.reversed().mapIndexed { y, row -> row.mapIndexed { x, cell ->  MapObject.fromCharAndIndex(cell, x to y) } }
        ).also { it.transpose() }

    fun guardStep() {
        if (guardScout() is MapObject.Obstacle) guard.orientation = guard.orientation.rotateClockwise()
        else {
            guard.position += guard.orientation.asVector()

    fun simulateGuardPath(): Boolean {
        while (true) {
            val scouted = guardScout()
            if (scouted is MapObject.Visited && guard.orientation in scouted.inOrientation) return true
            else if (scouted is MapObject.OutOfBounds) return false

    fun guardScout(): MapObject = runCatching { this[guard.position + guard.orientation.asVector()] }.getOrElse { MapObject.OutOfBounds }

    fun markVisited() {
        val previousMapObject = this[guard.position]
        if (previousMapObject is MapObject.Visited) this[guard.position] = previousMapObject.copy(
        else this[guard.position] = MapObject.Visited(listOf(guard.orientation))

sealed class MapObject {
    class Empty: MapObject()
    class Obstacle: MapObject()
    object OutOfBounds: MapObject()

    data class Visited(val inOrientation: List<Orientation>): MapObject()
    data class Guard(var position: VecNReal, var orientation: Orientation = Orientation.NORTH): MapObject()

    companion object {
        fun fromCharAndIndex(c: Char, index: Pair<Int, Int>): MapObject {
            return when (c) {
                '.' -> Empty()
                '#' -> Obstacle()
                '^' -> Guard(VecNReal(index))
                else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown map object $c")

I also have a repo.