this post was submitted on 01 Dec 2024
14 points (100.0% liked)

Concatenative Programming

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This space is for sharing news, experiences, announcements, questions, showcases, etc. regarding concatenative programming concepts and tools.

We'll also take any programming described as:

From Wikipedia:

A concatenative programming language is a point-free computer programming language in which all expressions denote functions, and the juxtaposition of expressions denotes function composition. Concatenative programming replaces function application, which is common in other programming styles, with function composition as the default way to build subroutines.

For example, a sequence of operations in an applicative language like the following:

y = foo(x)
z = bar(y)
w = baz(z) written in a concatenative language as a sequence of functions:

x foo bar baz

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founded 2 years ago
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Andy to c/concatenative

Alright, show me I'm not the only one in this community, and show off some solutions!

Here's my Day 1 solution in Factor (minus imports):


: get-input ( -- left-list right-list )
  "aoc-2024.01" "input.txt" vocab-file-lines
  [ split-words harvest ] map unzip
  [ [ string>number ] map ] bi@ ;

: part1 ( -- n )
  [ sort ] bi@
  [ - abs ] 2map-sum ;

: part2 ( -- n )
  '[ dup _ at 0 or * ] map-sum ;

Sadly, Factor doesn't get highlighted properly here, so here it is again as an image:


syntax-highlighted screenshot of the code above

I probably won't last the week, but what solutions I do have will be up on GitHub.

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[–] Andy 1 points 3 months ago

Day 6


: get-input ( -- rows )
  "vocab:aoc-2024/06/input.txt" utf8 file-lines ;

: all-locations ( rows -- pairs )
  dimension <coordinate-matrix> concat ;

: guard-location ( rows -- pair )
  [ all-locations ] keep
  '[ _ matrix-nth "<>^v" in? ] find nip ;

TUPLE: state location char ;
C: <state> state

: guard-state ( rows -- state )
  [ guard-location ]
  [ dupd matrix-nth ] bi <state> ;

: faced-location ( state -- pair )
  [ char>> H{
    { CHAR: > { 0 1 } }
    { CHAR: v { 1 0 } }
    { CHAR: < { 0 -1 } }
    { CHAR: ^ { -1 0 } }
  } at ] [ location>> ] bi v+ ;

: off-grid? ( rows location -- ? )
  [ dimension ] dip
  [ v<= vany? ] keep
  { 0 0 } v< vany? or ;

: turn ( state -- state' )
  [ location>> ] [ char>> ] bi
    { CHAR: > CHAR: v }
    { CHAR: v CHAR: < }
    { CHAR: < CHAR: ^ }
    { CHAR: ^ CHAR: > }
  } at <state> ;

: obstacle? ( rows location -- ? )
  swap matrix-nth CHAR: # = ;

: guard-step ( rows state -- state' )
  swap over faced-location
    { [ 2dup off-grid? ] [ 2nip f <state> ] }
    { [ [ obstacle? ] keep-under ] [ drop turn ] }
    [ swap char>> <state> ]
  } cond ;

: walk-out ( rows state -- trail )
    [ 2dup location>> off-grid? ] [
      dup location>> ,
      dupd guard-step
    ] until
  ] { } make 2nip ;

: part1 ( -- n )
  get-input dup guard-state walk-out cardinality ;

: (walk-loops?) ( visited rows state -- looped? )
  dupd guard-step
  2dup location>> off-grid? [ 3drop f ] [
    pick dupd in? [ 3drop t ] [
      pick dupd adjoin (walk-loops?)
    ] if
  ] if ;

: walk-loops? ( rows -- looped? )
  dup guard-state
  [ HS{ } clone ] 2dip
  pick dupd adjoin (walk-loops?) ;

: obstacle-candidates ( rows -- pairs )
  [ guard-location ]
  [ dup guard-state walk-out members ] bi remove ;

: part2 ( -- n )
  get-input dup obstacle-candidates
  [ CHAR: # spin deep-clone [ matrix-set-nth ] keep walk-loops? ] with count ;