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Idk with therapist you are going but my never suggested anything remote to "just accept reality". Also this kind of generalizationis stupid because each professional is different, but also because each illness have a different root cause. Yes a lot of depression these days come as a sub product of capitalism, and the ones that don't? This kind of generalization just make everyone less propense to seek help and is actually dangerous baseless and similar to anti-vax movement.
similar to anti-vax movement? What? Psychology (and to extension medicine) is so corrupt because of how bourgeoisie it is, with poor people not being able to get any sort of healthcare (mental health related or not). People who live minimum wage, paycheck to paycheck are more than disillussioned with what the current state is. My argument, towards the mental health system is that it does not have a Marxist perspective and only a Marxist informed therapist can effectively know what to say to people who don't know what to do.
Each illness has a different root cause, and its not just depression that these days is a sub product of capitalism. I want to know what are the other root causes you are mentioning?
Schizophrenia and bipolar patients are told to swallow pill after pill which does nothing but keep their sanity at bay. Is their autonomy not essential to their well being? And behold, if pills cannot "control" them, what happens? They are admitted to mental asylums, rehab centres, which ALSO profits off of it.
What about PTSD? Is PTSD not a sub product of capitalism, because, patriarchy which, is one of the many gruesome ways capitalism manifests itself, abuses women and somehow (not surprisingly) the people who have connections get away with it. Capitalism controls what they deem to be quality education and what isn't. If you don't provide proper sex education to someone and they somehow sexually assault someone, its the fault of the system as a whole. If that person also doesn't get punished for it, it is also the fault of the system.
I remember a quote of a revolutionary who said something along the lines of all proletariat thinkers being depressed because that is what is needed for people to realize their worth.
I recognize saying that therapists just tell you to accept reality is a faulty way of thinking and by no means can it be a generalization. But is it really working? Is psychotherapy doing its job?
It's probably a liberal who didn't even notice they're in Lemmygrad and has no idea about Marxism basically saying that you indeed need to accept reality. How refreshing for a left wing fascist to say those things.