this post was submitted on 10 Jun 2024
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Words are wonderful and descriptive when you know how to use them and I’ve always felt that there is no perfect synonym for most. If you study language (at least in English), some really strange shit has happened over the last 20 years or so. Language via political pushes has happened way more often than any time I can find throughout recorded history thanks to the internet and flat-mass culture.
Left-wing language seems to have been pushed to obfuscate, and right-wing wording is pushed towards blame. Either way, linguistically it makes zero fucking sense sometimes. Broadly applying misunderstood terms has always felt like a dumbing-down to me (see the recent breakage of the word "literally") and I feel it only hurts discussion and understanding of others.
For more function and clarity, I wish we created more terminology for edge cases instead of breaking specificity to apply to everything. As a reminder, I'm not here to spread my ideas, I'm here to discuss all ideas. Feel free to pick these apart!
Some examples (and please don't be offended, I'm speaking about words and their usage, not accusing or maligning anyone):
Bigot - This is a massively overused word that is only partially understood since it became a slang. Why? Because the definition is "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices." So by definition it is anyone not accepting of other ideas, no matter how dumb those ideas may be. Vehemently don't like anti-vaxxers, flat Earthers, liberals, leftists, the religious, atheists, Nazis, or conservatives? You're the textbook definition of a bigot. This makes the word incredibly easy to overuse by anyone, because damn near everyone is a bigot about something, but you're intended to simply intuit the kind of bigot the user doesn't like from the usage and assume it's an insult.
Gender - (Edited from our Gender weekly topic) I still don't understand the purpose of gender beyond a useless classification akin to classifying people by hair colour and the definition doesn't help. Take trans issues, for instance. If you are "transgender," that means “I changed my gender” which in turn means… nothing because gender is so effusive. Even if it indicates change, then it changed from what to what? Does it mean you had surgery? Does it change daily? Maybe! But conversationally, it seems to only serve to mask things about a person rather than clarify them - it’s a useless term. On the other end, the term “trans-woman / man” makes sense. You immediately get more information about someone upon hearing it. It is additive instead of obfuscating language and means that that person is one sex, but presenting another. Easy, more accurate, and as a bonus, would sidestep some needless culture-war bullshit instead of wallowing in it.
Retarded - An obvious one, but why is that? We all know that it was a medical term and became an insult, but so were the words "dumb," "dork," "idiot," and "imbecile." Once it became a mild slur, people stopped using "retarded" as a descriptor and started using "special." Then "special" became a pejorative. Quite literally any word implying that someone is less intellectually-abled is available as an insult. Really, I'd like to understand it, but someone already said it much better than I could.
Fascist - Seems to be a very popular slang among leftist communities from what I've seen and not really used much by the right wing (and yes, I can warrant a guess as to why some may think that is). Tends to mean "bossy / slightly less leftist than me / right-wing / independent / centrists that disagree with me on this particular issue." I've had this entire sub reported for being "fascist" according to one user despite not adhering to any of the values that make up the definition and quite literally upholding the polar opposite values in most cases. Funnily enough, if you wanted to be fascist, you wouldn't discuss things and encourage discussion with people with varied takes on a situation, you'd try to silence opposition.
Centrist - (From our weekly topic on Centrism / Independents) If someone says that they are “centrist” they are not telling you that they base all of their opinions on being dead-centre in the middle of the US "Left" and "Right" positions. That would be an astoundingly stupid position to undertake. Centrists are not a cohesive group and each have their own ideas - they may be a centrist because they take many positions that don't adhere strictly to party lines. I think they only reason this take is as popular as it is on Lemmy is because people like to bad-faith strawman any arguments that aren't theirs. It's much easier to insult someone than it is to understand them.
I know that humans play with words and that language moves, but feel these are examples of political movement of words instead of natural linguistic movement. It's certainly not an exhaustive list, just a few off the top of my head to test the waters.