Unsent Letters

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Share those unsent letters that leave you contemplating if they could have altered the path of your life, be it in the realm of friendship or romance. Have you ever pondered if the one who "slipped away" could still be part of your world if you had delivered this letter? Maybe you're seeking closure on unresolved sentiments you yearned to express to a loved one before they left this earthly existence. Do you feel the absence of a friend and have something unsaid lingering in your heart? Share your letter here, under the veil of anonymity.

founded 1 year ago

i kept thinking i'd hear from you. but now i'm anxious. my stomach is in knots. where are you? i want to know that you're okay, and more than okay. i want to be able to talk to you again, but i don't know if i'll ever get that chance. please just give me some kind of sign that you've heard me.

once upon a time, i had other interests. i used to read a lot. i used to spend time learning new things. but lately, i've been consumed by trying to understand you. instead of reading new things when i have free time, i find myself poring over the old things you've written, trying to discover and decipher every last trace of meaning. i wouldn't be surprised if half the things i inferred from your words were mere confabulations. but i can't really know either way now because we're lightyears away from each other and still travelling so fast away from the place where we collided, propelled by the force of that impact.

please let me know you're okay.


As I sit here, writing this letter in the quiet solitude of my room, my heart aches with a profound sadness that words alone cannot fully convey. There's a hollowness within me, an emptiness that only your presence can fill. I miss you more than words could ever express.

You may not know this, but every day without you feels like an eternity. Each morning, I wake up hoping to hear your laughter, see your bright smile, and share in the joy of your growing years. But instead, I often find myself immersed in the deafening silence of an empty house.

It's been so many long years since the day you came into my life. The day of your birth brought great happiness to me. I was overjoyed when I first saw you and a profound exhilaration came over me and I cried with happiness. I've watched you grow into a remarkable young person. Your curiosity, your kindness, your boundless energy—all of it has been a source of immeasurable pride and joy for me. And as you've grown, so has the love and admiration I hold for you.

Certain external actions, beyond my control, have cast shadows on our relationship. These circumstances have been a heavy burden on my heart, and I wish there was a way to shield you from the harsh realities of the world. Life sometimes takes us on unexpected journeys, and I desperately wish I could have shielded you from this particular one.

But now, circumstances have separated us, and I can't help but feel a deep longing to be with you, to hold you close and let you know just how much you mean to me. Often despite the fact that you are close to me physically, I feel that we have drifted miles apart as a result of these falsehoods. Life has a way of taking us down different paths, and sometimes those paths lead us away from the ones we cherish most.

Please know, my beloved daughter, that my love for you is unwavering and unconditional. No matter where life may lead us, that love remains a constant in my heart. I carry your laughter, your dreams, and your spirit with me every day no matter where our lives take us.

As you continue to grow into the amazing person I know you will become, remember to hold onto the love we share and the memories we've created together. Life may take us down different paths, but the bond between a father and his daughter can endure the greatest challenges.

Love, Your Dad


Dear Veronica (or writers for Veronica),

Please don't compare yourself to a mystical beast. In Eastern culture, beasts like Pixiu, Qilin, Suanxi were named due to their complexity, honor, power and excellence. You in no way match the beauty and divinity of these creatures.

I'm bringing you back to reality and back into Western culture where you belong, with your head out of the clouds. We slay dragons in this culture.

Going forward I now name you "Veronica". Simple like a cartoon character and purely evil and destructive as the character she plays.

Welcome Veronica. Let's all give her a warm welcome.


It was great to see you again. I forgot to thank you. Thank you for bringing these to my little one, just like you used to do in the past. I could never say you were not generous with your love. It's good to see that you are happy, following your dreams and staying healthy. I hope you find what you are looking for. 😘 😘 😘


In a world of digital traces, past love's glow, Still I log in, to a Netflix you bestow. Though our paths diverged, our love stories ended, Through episodes and films, our memories blended.

I ponder if she knows, or if she even cares, While I sneak into her realm, from my solitary lairs. It's not about the movies, or the series we've seen, But the moments we shared, in a digital dream.

So here's to the nights, with popcorn and thrill, To the love that once was, that time cannot kill. Of all things mysterious, one left me beguiled, The hue of her bicycle, wild and reviled.

I’ve seen it in passing, a blur and a gleam, But the shade of its paint remains but a dream. Is it vibrant and fiery, like roses in June? Or gentle and calming, like light of the moon?

So, in playful jest and in digital jesters, I posed her a challenge, among Netflix testers. “Make it a profile, that color so fine, Let the name of that shade in bold letters align.”

For each time I log in, and our choices entwine, I'll glimpse that secret color, and know it's a sign. A nod to our bond, in laughter and profile, The shade of her bicycle, shared for a while.


To everyone I once told that I'd marry again, I must admit that I wasn't truthful. Perhaps it was peer pressure, or the sense of being in a group, but the reality is that I don't foresee myself marrying or having children again. Modern-day relationships seem fraught with pain, and many enter marriage for the wrong reasons, like family pressure or the allure of a big wedding. While it may suit some, it doesn't for many.

What I truly desire is a loving and trusting partner, someone who can be both a friend and a lover. I want someone without preconceived notions about marriage or family, who communicates their needs and is willing to make sacrifices, knowing I'll do the same.

It's vital that I share this perspective at the onset of any future relationship. My apologies.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

To all the people I know that have lost respect of themselves and others:

It's funny how I'm criticized for being angry and nasty by folks on reddit. Do you see where the comments are coming from? They are coming from criminals and a criminal that hired them. The criminal that hired them has no regard for safety of children. She says let's take a chance and throw fate up to the wind in order to destroy this person, because of what he is and what he does or my perception of what he's done to me. It's does not matter that I am the trigger for what he does. As long as I can destroy him, my life will be complete.

You treat each other like shit, and sometimes you treat your own family like garbage. You take better care of your dogs. Then you insult and and degrade with your passive aggressive attitude. You wield manipulation as thought it was a dagger. There is no mankind or civility or humanity in you vocabulary. There is no honor or loyalty. It's just you and your selfish behaviours. My anger is directed at your lack of civility towards your family, your neighbor, your lover. It disgusts me and makes me want to hide from the stench.