"Beide Seiten sind (Bzw Krieg ist) scheiße" ist meiner Meinung nach nur ein Phänomen davon, dass die Linke versucht sowohl für "Tankies" als auch "Liberals" attraktiv zu bleiben. Aber da sich "Tankies" sowieso mehr vom BSW angesprochen fühlen bringt dieser Kompromiss nicht wirklich viel. Daher sollte sie versuchen sich mehr pro Westen (muss ja nicht gleich pro US sein) zu positionieren da sie dann Wähler*Innen von SPD und den Grünen für sich gewinnen könnte.
Jokes aside if it was only about having a safe space for the jewish they would have taken the Jewish Autonomous Oblast but they wanted that specific region for historical reasons and that is why they would have rejected the South German State of Israel the same way they ultimately rejected the Jewish Autonomous Oblast and by shrinking the German State (East and West combined compared to the Weimar Republic) to 1/3 of their previous size you would effectively end up with some hybrid form of the Palestine problem and the Donbass problem.
Personally I would have chosen an island like Sardegna where random invasions from your neighbours are unlikely but I think at the end they'd still have resettled Palestine even if you gave them the whole of Britain.
Oh, I'll definitely try that. Thanx for the advise! :3
Ahh shit I'm not hot enough. Even self-pressuring isn't working :((
Imo not having any safety measures for the bridge piers was extremely negligent. There was this picture where you'd see cable masts next to the bridge that were being secured by extra thick concrete islands (you can actually spot one in the headline image). Really makes it look like the safety of some cables was more important than the safety of a bridge / people.
Edit: Ofc the incident was caused by the ship
When you log on with your alt account
Maybe Putin watched Star Wars and decided a clone factory is exactly what he needs
Behold Umate
Coruscant's tallest mountain and the only place where the planet's surface is still visible.
"Das sind nicht die Russen, die ihr sucht."
Die kann ja Vize werden. Dann hat JD wieder mehr Zeit mit seinen Sofas
Without context it looks like Musk is rooting for the Belarussian opposition lmao
Handelsangebot: Trump geht zu Mc Doof und zufälliger Mc Doof Mitarbeiter übernimmt seine Rolle as Präsidentschaftskandidat