Yes, better. The markets are all time high since god left the white house and historically, the markets always performed better under democrats, but facts cannot reach your pebbles.
They will vote a random candidate besides the aforementioned 2. Pathetic
I have friends who will not vote for trump for obvious reasons but not for kamala as well, because they don’t vote for a cop!!!!!! Sad stuff
Let the shareholders and the ceo build the planes, they know everything, they’re geniuses
Mtg, the dems have a geomagnetic storm machine, they will use it to interfere with the election!
I was being sarcastic
Yeah, but what if you become rich overnight, it might benefit you.
I was trying to be sarcastic
God protected Trump
Edit: do i really need put an /s ?
Nah. If you try to say that i am extremely rich compared to a an african or pakistani, then yes, but if in your own country you cannot afford a decent life, then you are poor
I can’t wait to see how the republicans will blame this on the democrats
Frenchies are doing it as well