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[โ€“] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I mean, the real answer is that most open source developers aren't here for freedom at any cost. They're here like a startup... Waiting to be acquired for big bucks. Open source doesn't pay bills, and if a megacorp pulls up in a Brinks truck full of cash, I wouldn't be surprised if 80% of open source projects sell

[โ€“] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I get that, and I agree with it in general, but there's literally no company on earth that would approach open source developers with the intent to pay them to work on a closed source product, or to buy out their open source work without having an NDA in place.

It's like saying "Meta has security guards at the doors to their datacenters! They must be doing something illegal in there!"

Meta is evil and is very likely doing something bad with these developers, but the NDA isn't the smoking gun evidence of evil... It's Meta's history in general

[โ€“] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I don't know why everyone is so upset about the NDA thing... It's such a standard business practice. Whenever I (a mid tier infra engineer at a mid sized software company) needed to talk to a vendor, get a product demo/consultation, get support on a licensed application, etc... We either sent an NDA to that company or bad one on file already with them. Nobody discusses internal processes, policies or roadmaps with an outside contact without an NDA first. It's literally just a standard business practice.

It could be nefarious, since it's meta afterall, but I wouldn't be shocked if there's thousands of people/companies who have standing NDAs with meta just so they could come on campus and demo their product to some team

[โ€“] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

It has a 1st party mobile app for Android and iOS right on the main download page (

I use the android app and it's ok. Still has some work to do, but honestly trying to handle the complexity of logseq style editing in a mobile app is rough, so I mostly just use it for rough note taking that I clean up on desktop later

[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Oh I'm not saying what your doing over at is wrong or insufficient... Honestly I don't know what your doing to ensure the lemmy server exists long term (though its great to hear you've got some policies in place already).

I'm more thinking the rust community should evaluate options and vote, or some rust subgroup of the leadership should set criteria to ensure that another reddit-type event doesn't happen again (the home of this community must be open-source, with data backups publicly available, with a governing body and a line of succession or something, etc).

If meets those things today, I'd say sure lets move there. I think its better to have a lemmy instance for a concept (computer science) than a specific topic (rust), but that's just me

[โ€“] [email protected] 22 points 1 year ago (7 children)

I've replaced some "non replaceable" batteries in phones before... Only to find that after about 5 years of medium use the flash storage goes to shit (which causes massive slow downs), the chips begin to desolder themselves, the USB port gets janky and stops charging, etc.

Batteries are a great first step, but damn these $1000+ devices just are not built to last more than 3 years

[โ€“] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It's not the tech here. Postgres can scale both vertically and horizontally (yes there are others that can scale easier or in different factors of CAP).

The problem is how the data is being stored and accessed. Lemmy is doing some really inefficient data access and it's causing bottlenecks under load.

Lemmy (unfortunately) just wasn't ready for this level of primetime yet... It has a number of issues that are going to be quite tricky to fix now that it's seen such wide adoption (database migrations are tricky on their own, doing so on a production site even harder, doing so on 8k+ independent production sites... Sounds like a nightmare)

[โ€“] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Idk. I'm conflicted on this. While I agree... For bigger/broader topics, I can definitely see that the quality of discussion and the repetition of topic is already really bad for smaller/niche communities.

When the subreddit had maybe 2k subs worldwide, and now is comprised of 50 subs spread across 3 instances... It's rough. That community is just dead and that sucks.

I guess I'd rather have one centralized community on one big (yet open source) instance where I know we can leave and move again, than have the community just die entirely

[โ€“] [email protected] 29 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It's not that they're for this specifically... It's that they are self centered. They're the same 75% of the population that is willing to cross the picket line at Starbucks cuz they want their coffee. They don't think about the workers rights, they only care about coffee.

The same people just want memes and football and porn. They don't care about what's behind the scenes unless it directly impacts them. And let's be honest, the reddit changes (for now) impact like 10% of reddits user base. That's not enough for them to give up some dumb memes for

[โ€“] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

It's just amazing really. Had they rolled out a reasonable rated plan, and maybe even a discount to highly known apps, and even set a "the price will go up each 6 months for the next 2 years till we reach this higher, but still reasonable price"... All the apps would have added a subscription model for like $0.99 a month and none of us would have really complained.

Like, honestly most of us would have paid and maybe grumbled slightly but said "that's the cost of maintaining this huge community, and I get more than $0.99 in value from it" and just kept shit posting on Reddit all day.

If they wanted to block AI models, limit the API keys to only well known apps or those that are manually verified to be not-an-AI by reddit admins.

It's amazing how dumb a corporation can be sometimes (or has some nefarious endgame ala Twitter)

[โ€“] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not exactly the same but similar... There's 4 major providers who service my area, but only one of them extends down my block. So I can choose from DSL (which to be fair goes up to like 35 Mbps), but if I want higher, I'm vendor locked to Xfinity, who charges at least 2x the price of the local companies.

Ive asked several times, but they quote hundreds of thousands of dollars to trench fiber down my street, and it's just not worth it.

Except, you know, there's already fiber from Xfinity... They just wont share.

The physical cabling needs to be government owned and rented out to the companies, not exclusively owned by one single company. We'll never have competitive pricing unless it's nationalized infrastructure

[โ€“] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not a direct answer... But why not roll a LetsEncrypt cert? That'll be accepted by Readrops by default

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