Ich auch!
Yes, some chips (or rather parts of all chips) are spare on enterprise SSDs. You can even see how much is left via smart data
Das ist ja das gute, das Verfassungsgericht ist unabhängig von der Regierung!
Hochwähli für irie révoltés!
Pop!_OS and I have a question for you to come over and get me a new one
In my area there is a dog which has been fed a vegan diet for almost ten years now. So they definitely can survive on it. Said is healthy.
Defundierung 😂
Cool story bro. Now calculate how many people do it like you claim to do.
And now go on caressing your animals to their death :)
Those 28 people sent back are conflicted felons. All of them committed serious crimes (Schwerverbrechen)
Found the Omni.
Let me eat my meat and don't let me know it causes suffering! I do not want to be aware of the consequences of my actions!
Habe zum zweiten Mal Project Hail Mary ("der Astronaut" auf deutsch) gelesen und jede Seite genossen.
In Flames - super! Viel Spaß dabei
Kriegt doch eh seine MdB ~~Gehalt~~ Diäten auf Lebenszeit ohne einen Finger krumm machen zu müssen ;)