If Pushover has issues, how do get your messages? You rely entirely on a thirdparty service in the cloud.
You do know that this is /r/selfhosted right?
I do use Pushover myself and its great and cheap, but its absolutely not comparable to ntfy or Gotify being selfhosted.
Also with local selfhosting you can still get messages when your internet is down.
I shared my very basic and easy setup with Caddy + Authelia some days ago.
If you are deadset on using NPM tho, i find that is harder to share a exact config because its UI based.
In general its a good idea to provide details of how exactly something has failed for you, instead of saying "it has not worked".
Chances are high that someone spends their time and shares and explains their NPM+Authelia config to you, and you run into the exact same problems again and "its not working".