
joined 3 days ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

"finest silks and linens' washed in orphans tears and the blood of martyrs.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

No thanks - I know where he's been.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

In Britain our most powerful parties are competing to kiss Trump's massive arse - our Prime Minister 'likes and respects Trump'. Honestly, Starmer, get a room! Ugh! I am sick of being shamed by my politicians.

I hope Canada elects leaders who will tell Trump to get lost. You need Zelenskyy energy. You deserve it. Give 'Uncle Spam' hell, Canada!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

'Masters of the Return' like dangerous politicians, toxic influencers, child-molesters, con artists, neighbours-from-hell, serial adulterers (to give a few examples) keep recycling the same old behaviours because behind what they do is a pathology, a closed loop with no exit ramp, a compulsion they rarely have enough insight to acknowledge or control. How do these parasites/predators keep finding victims to exploit? Because society constantly creates a supply of new victims to use. Behind every victim there is a matching pathology, usually going back to childhood abuse or neglect, that sets them up to be abused.

Thus in a society like Britain, we have a minority of sociopaths and psychopaths (1% or less), a large group of people with sub-optimal childhood experiences (some measures might say as many as 80% have poor childhoods and thus grew up to some degree vulnerable to be exploited in adult life), that leaves very few citizens who had a good enough start in life to not become either an abuser or a victim (maybe as few as 19% or one in five of us).

What is a shock to me is that the ideal of how we should be, is actually a minority experience. Few people are what we call 'normal'. Actually, 'normal' is the exception not the rule. Our politics has not kept pace with reality. We need politics to see itself as a branch of therapeutics - see it as necessary in order to heal society. Sadly, politics is one area of life which has very few 'normal' people in it - not even one in five MPs is psychologically healthy, more than 1% are sociopaths. People like that cannot fix politics any more than they can fix their own pathologies. Starmer and his Cabinet are same as Farage and Reform, in that they are not mentally healthy and not offering the kind of politics we actually need.

If I had to guess, I'd say this level of pathology is required by capitalism and will only end if we curtail capitalism to protect ourselves i.e. capitalism harms us in childhood, we grow up exploitable, and capitalism duly exploits us - ultimately it is profitable to hurt kids. To be able to exploit people capitalism requires a supply of sociopaths, so such people are not just tolerated under capitalism but promoted into powerful positions and weaponised to exploit the rest. The good news is that just by being normal, giving your kids and others close to you a healthy, well-nurtured, psychologically normal life - being just normal humans, good mams and dads, happy kids - is actually radical politics and helps the push back against tyranny. I reckon this is one deep reason why capitalists hate stuff that promotes good human relations e.g. woke stuff, gender politics, trans rights, stuff that heals and empowers 'ordinary people' who would otherwise have just been victims. A happy child will not grow up to be anyone's doormat. That's the hidden revolution going on right now.


Been a vegetarian since 1975. I rarely eat traditional British foods because how many trad meals are animal-free? Beans on toast is not a cuisine! That said, I always have some old-fashioned products in my larder for those times I do my version of mam's 1960s cooking - quorn sausages and Smash or meat-free shepherd's pie with onion gravy or chilli without the carne.

I loved the puppet advert for Smash potato - ET robots laughing at stupid earthlings for making mashed potatoes the hard way - and more than fifty years later I still buy Smash out of nostalgia. I hope they paid the ad agency for their work because it was brilliant, really innovative, even on a tiny black and white tv.

I cannot think of another ad/product I am fond of as I am fond of Smash. I cut ads out of my life - have not even seen one this century as I resent being manipulated but that old puppet advert still lives in my head. Does anyone else remember that ad? I could probably recite the script from memory "... and then they smash them all to bits! Ha! Ha! Ha!" You could see the strings on the puppets! It was better than Captain Scarlet or Stingray and I loved those shows!

Normally, I only buy ethical food but Smash gets a free pass. It's crazy how it hooks into my child-mind. Don't use it much but there must be some in the pantry or I get twitchy.

Anyone else know what I mean? Share your guilty nostalgia foods.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

I am a new lemmy user. I am also feeling a bit lost and noticing there are gaps in the fediverse. I assume if a resource does not exist, I need to create it but I am not able to be a mod of a new community, too ill to volunteer the hours as I cannot predict my health beyond a day or so. So, it seems I need to first find a potential community by posting in general communities like this one, find others interested in making a community (including volunteers willing to mod the community), then together we make a community. I am willing to help create a community on disability/accessibility with you if you are interested?

I have disabilities (mainly communication but also mobility) and accessility issues (cannot talk or use a telephone, house-bound) my problems crop up mainly in offline life but sometimes online. I would like to help create a place where people can (1) describe accessibility problems (2) describe solutions they found (3) describe how they challenged the ableism behind accessibility problems, who supported them, and what push-back they experienced and (4) work out an effective politics for empowering disabled and making access a government priority. I'd like to welcome participation from anyone, anywhere, not have content limited to a specific nationality/language or first world (depending on having mods that can work in different languages - perhaps something to aim for down the road if there is enough participation?)

I am also interested in history of disability and access - I attach a photo of a dish I own. Bought for £5 from eBay. It is from late C18th/early C19th, about 200 years old. The porcelein body was created in China and imported to Europe and reflects both cultures in a complex intersection I cannot fully comprehend. The decoration uses western 'transfer' technology and eastern hand-applied colouring. It shows a family group in a garden including an elderly lady in a wheeled-chair. I am intrigued by this object/image because I cannot work out if this is a Chinese representation of a European disability aid, or a European representation of a Chinese disability aid or a cross-over hybridisation of both. I collect ceramics and never saw this design before. I wonder how common it was to put disabled people on crockery intended for an internation trade mass market. I wonder if this decoration was accepted because the disabled person was 'exotic' and it was 'Chinese ethnicity' that was being consumed by western buyers and they did not see the 'disability', or if they were focused on the 'disability' in the image and overlooked ethnicity, or if the mix of novelty, exoticism, orientalism, eroticism, gender, ethnicity, racism, disability and loads of other stuff was in the relationship people had to each other and symbolised in making, trading or owning this curious object and it was never easy to pin down its 'meaning' for anyone, at any time, in any culture. I sense there is an academic paper waiting to be written about this. I welcome discussion on such 'high brow' topics. Maybe I need to help create two new communities - one for 'activism' and another for 'cultural studies / woke disability studies'?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

Good point - but that will only happen when vandalism/protest matures to militarised political resistance so people understand strategic targets and US seems months if not years away from that. It will happen if/when military-trained people get involved in resisting the coup.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

That would look good on a t-shirt...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

Like they sold average of 12,000 vehicles a day in Canada (some number like that, Tesla allegedly fraudulently claimed they sold loads of EV in order to claim subsidies from Canadian government worth $millions)?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 15 hours ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 13 points 15 hours ago (8 children)

After sonic/microwave attack in Serbia, you need to take headphones and a physical barrier to shelter behind, I dunno, an umbrella backed with tinfoil? One of those foil emergency blankets?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 15 hours ago

Not 'people' but AI-assisted gait analysis. Scan of video footage identifies points on body, tracks movement of those points through space, represents this as output of an algorithm, which generates a result (e.g. a long sequence of numbers like a barcode) which is unique to you. They cannot i.d. you by name and address unless they have your biometrics on record but it is a potential way to identify you just like fingerprints or dna and will stay on record and might hurt you in future.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 15 hours ago

'squatting movement' sounds like some kind of weaponised shitting. Knowing the Dutch, I think they'd be amused by that idea.


As an old person, I would like to hear from other old people about stuff - let's make this apparently abandoned lemmy community lively and fun.

I am a 'boomer' (according to USA culture) in my society (UK) I am just 'old'.

According to typical profile of 'boomers' by non-boomers we are scum of the earth and spawn of Satan. I am not sure its true but I am intrigued enough to wanna try it!

Here's my profile: UK citizen, born early 1960s ('late boomer'), feminist, socialist, environmentalist, vegetarian, and atheist - in all of that stuff was typically the only one in my family/school/community so I was a pioneer/lonely kid. I grew up weird and indefatigable and incorrigible - just like a battleship (a navy joke).

Grew up in poverty. First in my family to go to university - a posh one, had a scholarship, made friends who went on to rule the world (knew future Empress of Japan, knew Prime Ministers, ambassadors, popes, CEOs - all sorts). If you read this, you're one or two persons away from all the world's elite. No, I am not elite or rich, sorry, no begging letters please. I worked mainly in STEM but stayed interested in arts and humanities. I am still a Leftist and have gotten Lefter as I got older. I am now retired. Still waiting for the revolution.

Fellow oldies, please introduce yourself, if we hate each other's politics maybe we can bond over sharing anecdotes about our haemorrhoids?

Let's be old and loud and make our presence felt - in a good way. If you're over fifty or feel like it, I invite you to make this your home from home!


Looks like no new post about Skyrim has been made here for several months. As a big Skyrim fan, I feel this is just wrong. So, I will post about Skyrim until I get an echo from the void...

I will kick off by being controversial. Many Skyrim fans mock Nazeem. I just feel sorry for the guy: he had a good life, full of purpose and satisfaction, as a Skyrim farmer. Then he sold his farm, retired to Whiterun, where he is wasting all his hard-earned money by trying to slime his way into high society, dressing like a knob, and talking down to people that are still living the kind of life he left behind. His wife now despises him, he has no friends, and the toffs he fawns on all laugh at him. He doesn't even have a pet dog. He is a lost soul. He needs someone to tell him to buy himself another farm before he loses his last septim and get back to living a life that gives him dignity and happiness. His wife would probably back that 100%. Do Skyrim fans care? Nope, they are all down on the guy because in his misery he mocks them. It is just projection, I tell you. His projection, and the fans projecting back at him. People in this category all need to live better lives and find self-respect.

On the other hand, no one ever criticises Hod, the work-shy lumberjack in Riverwood, who encourages his son to sexually abuse farm animals. Nope, that is just a regular guy doing normal parenting /s. This scumbag gets no pushback from his nasty wife, who simply looks the other way while her son turns into a psychopath with dad's help. Hod is even looked up to by his dog, Stump. How is that not making you nauseous, fans of Skyrim? Plus the poor cow he keeps in his garden for his son to abuse... are you just going to shrug and walk away? Me, I always kill Hod, and often adopt his son to give the boy a chance to grow up normal away from his evil parent. Moo-Moo and Stump live on in Riverwood, happy and safe. It is how it should be, fellow Dragonborns! Hating Hod is the only honourable and healthy way to be,

So, fellow Skyrim fans - who do you think worse? Nazeem or Hod? Or can you name someone worse than Hod? Convince, I think not.

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