Sorry! My photo didn't load (still isn't loading for some reason) and I thought you where talking about the transcription
Yeah! fuck blind people
he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn't want to touch him. He's bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn't look like it. It changed colour. Became very red.
Holy shit it's worse than what I expected
While I do like this interpretation, the comic, Um Sábado Qualquer, depitcs gods as kinda clueless/clumsy, leading me to interpret the comic as: god just kinda did it without noticing what he was doing, than someone came and understood what was happening. (but attributing the complexity and geniousness to god)
BUT, in real life, what you said is a pretty solid argument
Thank you very much!
Is there an index of the images or something like that?
While it's true that's a progess bar is guessing (since it doesn't know what would take more time in your computer). It should still finish when at 100%
Usually yes, but, at least in programming, "data is code, code is data" is a meme, in the sense that it's sharable. And it's not exactly funny, it's just an idea.
But yeah, meme is used for intense-based jokes because it's the norm
A meme is just something ~~funny~~ that you share
By the technical definition, it doesn't even have to be funny, it only needs to be quickly sharable
The pandemic and programming.
I was watching some tutorials and saw how easily people used the terminal, and how clunky cmd felt.
Next day I had ubuntu running.