
joined 7 months ago

На дверь общежития белгородского вуза ко Дню России повесили флаг Нидерладов, — RusNews

Нидерландский флаг заметили на двери общежития Белгородского государственного аграрного университета.Рядом размещены российский флаг, белые голуби, надписи "Z — своих не бросаем" и "Временное укрытие".



Подробности: ▪Украина запустила минимум 10 ATACMS, ни одна ракета не была сбита. ▪Удары были нанесены по 31-й дивизии ПВО ВС РФ в трёх районах: Джанкойском, Сакском и Черноморском. ▪Джанкойский район: попали 4 ракеты, повреждены две РЛС. ▪Сакский район: попали 4 ракеты, повреждена военная техника, подробности уточняются. ▪Черноморский район: попали 2 ракеты, повреждены две РЛС и два комплекса С-300.


The "Dossier of a Spy" telegram channel claims that the administrative building of the base housed the command center of the 6th Army, which managed the offensive in Kharkiv Region.

  • At the moment, eight army officers are reported missing. Also, it should be noted that the Nezhegol recreation center was on the AFU's "target list," which intelligence warned the 6th Army command at least a week before the strike. However, no countermeasures were taken," the Telegram channel reported.

"Ashes" sources confirm the strike on "Nezhegoli" without confirmation of military casualties.

Also, the strike on the building can be confirmed by comparing photos from the site of the strike with old photos of the building.

Indirectly, the use of the facility for military purposes is confirmed by the fact that Vyacheslav Gladkov did not mention the destruction of "Nezhegoli" in his daily summary.

Earlier, the British TV channel Sky News wrote that the AFU hit the Russian command center from a military aircraft.



Как сообщили (https://t.me/ukrinform_news/131408) разработчики из проекта "Роботизовані комплекси", дистанция управления аппаратом 15 километров и более. Отмечается также, что комплекс на 80% состоит из деталей украинского производства, и может быть как логистическим роботом, транспортируя грузы, в том числе и раненых, - либо превращаться в боевой дрон с автоматизированной турелью, оборудованной крупнокалиберным 12,7-мм пулеметом. Как показано на видео, доставить такой дрон на точку высадки можно на бусике, а возможно - и на пикапе. Мобильность и быстрота развертывания — фундаментально важные элементы.



Dudya's Khodorkovsky is a pleasure to listen to.

Maybe it's his absolute calmness, trained by the dashing nineties. Although I don't rule out that the secret lies in the way Khodorkovsky shakes his head hypnotically throughout the interview, like a tin toy on the dashboard of a car.

And yet I would not call the interview a success. Khodorkovsky does not make excuses, but he hides behind the word "private" too often. His capital is private, his interests are private, and as a private citizen, he is not responsible for the murky schemes that the state has been running. But this rhetoric is what held Khodorkovsky back.

He just had to admit that he made a hell of a lot of money, and he did it beautifully. While the country was in a comatose state, he was raking in dozens of industrial enterprises. A 30-year-old guy who rose to stardom thanks to his intelligence, grip and brutal ambition.

And there was privatization, and he bought out Yukos thanks to Potanin's collateral auctions and a deal with the state. But as one famous cartoonist liked to say, "So what?" The times were so, especially favorable to the desperate and greedy.

And about the elections of 1996 we should have answered directly: "Yes, we did it. But what the fuck is democracy? Did you see what kind of scum was coming to power?!" And personally, I would have understood Khodorkovsky, because if I were him, I would have done the same thing. I would fight with all my might against the red stinking old age that wanted to take revenge in 1996.

Khodorkovsky has nothing to repent for. He paid his price by serving ten years in a Russian prison. Ten. And once he was free, he consistently defended democratic values, investing what was left of his surviving capital in the cause.

I consider all the talk about guilt, about a guilty conscience and involvement in unfair elections pointless. Yes, Khodorkovsky was the richest oligarch, but the main thing now is that he has become Putin's mortal enemy.

Khodorkovsky may not show it, but he hates Putin in a way we have never dreamed of. For ten years in prison, for missed opportunities, for this forced isolation at the age of 40, when the body was in its prime.

It's a feud to the grave. That's what needs to be understood. And I'm sure that Khodorkovsky, who got used to harsh attacks and revenge in the 90s, will not rest until Putin feels what ten years in prison is like and what it's like to lose everything in one day.

Again, that's what matters. And the fact that he paid his price with a huge prison sentence and a consistent fight against Putin's regime. If that's not enough, I don't know what else to say.


Андрій Окунь:

Ходорковського Дудя приємно слухати. Можливо, справа в його абсолютному спокої, натренованому лихими дев'яностими. Хоча я не виключаю, що секрет криється в тому, як Ходорковський гіпнотично хитає головою протягом усього інтерв'ю, немов бляшана іграшка на приладовій панелі автомобіля.

І все ж я б не назвав інтерв'ю вдалим. Ходорковський не виправдовується, але занадто часто ховається за словом "приватний". Його капітал - приватний, його інтереси - приватні, і як приватна особа він не несе відповідальності за мутні схеми, якими керувала держава. Але саме ця риторика стримувала Ходорковського.

Йому просто довелося визнати, що він заробив до біса багато грошей, і зробив він це красиво. Поки країна перебувала в коматозному стані, він загрібав десятки промислових підприємств. 30-річний хлопець, який став зіркою завдяки своєму розуму, хватці і звірячим амбіціям.

А ще була приватизація, і він викупив ЮКОС завдяки заставним аукціонам Потаніна та угоді з державою. Але, як любив казати один відомий карикатурист, "Ну і що?". Часи були такі, особливо сприятливі для відчайдушних і жадібних.

І про вибори 1996 року треба було відповісти прямо: "Так, ми це зробили. Але яка в біса демократія? Ви бачили, яка наволоч прийшла до влади?!" І особисто я б зрозумів Ходорковського, тому що на його місці зробив би те ж саме. Я б усіма силами боровся проти червоної смердючої старості, яка хотіла взяти реванш у 1996 році.

Ходорковському немає в чому каятися. Він заплатив свою ціну, відсидівши десять років у російській в'язниці. Десять. А опинившись на волі, він послідовно захищав демократичні цінності, вкладаючи в цю справу те, що залишилося від його вцілілого капіталу.

Всі розмови про провину, про нечисту совість і причетність до нечесних виборів я вважаю безглуздими. Так, Ходорковський був найбагатшим олігархом, але зараз головне те, що він став смертельним ворогом Путіна.

Ходорковський може цього не показувати, але він ненавидить Путіна так, як нам і не снилося. За десять років ув'язнення, за втрачені можливості, за цю вимушену ізоляцію у віці 40 років, коли організм був у розквіті сил.

Це ворожнеча до могили. Ось що треба розуміти. І я впевнений, що Ходорковський, який звик до жорстких нападів і помсти в 90-х роках, не заспокоїться, поки Путін не відчує, що таке десять років ув'язнення і що таке втратити все в один день.

Знову ж таки, це головне. І те, що він заплатив свою ціну величезним тюремним терміном і послідовною боротьбою з путінським режимом. Якщо цього недостатньо, я не знаю, що ще сказати. *** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***


Військовий суд заарештував заступника голови російського Генштабу Вадима Шамаріна. Генерала обвинувачують в отриманні багатомільйонного хабара від постачальників Міноборони. Шамарін став уже четвертим високопоставленим військовим, який потрапив у СІЗО тільки за останній місяць. Чи можна говорити про чистки у військовому відомстві? Хто перебудовує військову верхівку? І чому?

У подкасті "Що це було" на ці запитання відповідає кореспондент Російської служби Бі-бі-сі Ілля Барабанов. Влада Росії внесла Іллю Барабанова до реєстру "іноземних агентів". Бі-бі-сі категорично заперечує проти цього рішення і має намір його оскаржити.

00:00 Привітання. Ведучий - Сева Бойко. 00:47 Хто такий Шамарін і що відомо про його арешт 06:56 Інші нещодавні арешти в Міноборони 14:54 У російській армії йдуть чистки? 18:00 Як чистки можуть позначитися на перебігу вторгнення в Україну 22:34 Що буде далі з Міноборони

Чистки в российской армии: аресты Шамарина и Попова - Peer Video Club https://peervideo.club/w/md1saM7A2cTcAoatHes7YW


Treatment:-. You need to delete the directory C\\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\pocketnet.

In Windows operating system AppData directory is hidden, to display it you need to activate the "Show hidden objects and folders" option in the operating system settings.

It may happen that the specified directory is not deleted. Indicates that some process is currently running. To solve this issue, I advise you to download a small program Unlocker for Windows.

The download link is https://www.softportal.com/en/unlocker/windows/software.

After installing the program, if you right-click on any object, you will see a context menu. There will appear a new item Unlocker. Click on it and the program will open. Specify in it to delete the object and unlock all processes.

After deleting the specified directory, download and install the fresh application.



Download and install Pocketnet Team software only from official sources!

Analytical Report and Forecast: Troubleshooting Guide for Pocketnet Application Error

Annotation: This report offers a solution to a recent service pack error encountered by users of the Pocketnet application. It provides step-by-step instructions to resolve the issue, including deleting specific directories and utilizing a third-party program for unlocking processes. The report emphasizes the importance of downloading software only from official sources to ensure security and reliability.

Keywords: Pocketnet, application error, troubleshooting guide, AppData directory, Unlocker program, official sources, software download, technical support, user assistance

Hashtags: #Pocketnet #ApplicationError #TroubleshootingGuide #AppDataDirectory #UnlockerProgram #SoftwareDownload #TechnicalSupport #UserAssistance #CyberSecurity #TechTips #SoftwareTroubleshooting #OfficialSources #ITSupport #SoftwareErrors

Editorial Comment: Technical errors can disrupt user experience and productivity, underscoring the need for prompt and effective solutions. This report aims to assist users facing difficulties with the Pocketnet application, prioritizing user support and emphasizing cybersecurity best practices.


This troubleshooting guide is provided for informational purposes and requires validation. Users are advised to exercise caution and verify instructions from multiple sources before proceeding with software modifications.

Conclusion and Links:

For further assistance and updates on Pocketnet application issues, consider reaching out to the following resources:

Explore additional resources and communities for tech support and discussions:

Stay informed and engaged with technical solutions and cybersecurity best practices through these platforms.

Description for Google search robots:

Troubleshooting guide for Pocketnet application error, offering step-by-step instructions and cautionary advice for resolving technical issues. Keywords: Pocketnet, application error, troubleshooting, technical support, cybersecurity.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12898084

French President Emmanuel Macron met with parliamentary parties on Thursday. During the meeting Macron said he was open to the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine, as announced by, according to French newspaper L’Independant.

Fabien Roussel, a representative of the French Communist Party, said after the meeting that “Macron referenced a scenario that could lead to intervention [of French troops]: the advancement of the front towards Odesa or Kyiv.”

He noted that the French President showed parliamentarians maps of the possible directions of strikes by Russian troops in Ukraine.

Following the meeting, Jordan Bardella of the far-right National Rally party noted that “there are no restrictions and no red lines” in Macron’s approach.


This is another factor in the decline of foreign currency earnings of Russian companies. We mean real currency, not tugriks, rupees and other glass.

Of course, it will be possible to invent schemes to continue supplies through third countries and hands, but every chain of intermediaries is a minus for the margins of Russian companies.

In general, the disadvantage of the "Sanctions do not work" religion and its followers is that they do not take into account the systematic nature of all sanctions measures. Each particular sanction can be circumvented by one or another crooked path. Any one sanction may simply not work for some internal or external reason of its own.

However, their number and systematic approach gradually lead to the result necessary for the creators of the sanctions policy. Stretching over time allows them to be adjusted and supplemented.

The goal remains the same - on the one hand, the West wants to bring Russia to the state of Iraq in the time of Saddam during the "Oil for Food" program and actually remove Russia from the list of potentially developed and developing countries. On the other hand - it should be done in such a way that the economies of developed countries adapt to Russia's withdrawal from the world economy or at least reduce their presence in it.

The point of the measures is to deprive the Kremlin of the resource, and thus the opportunity to pursue its policy. Besides, the West realizes that the Kremlin regime is bankrupt and sooner or later other people will come to power. There is a risk that those will come who will set their goal not to plunder the country, as the current ones do, but on the contrary - to revive it. For this purpose it is required to create for such people the maximum possible difficulties and to bind them by a huge number of conditions under which Russia will be let back.



I want to remind you of this. A well-known person in Russia said this about Katyn: "A clear political, legal, moral assessment of the atrocities of the totalitarian Stalinist regime has already been given, and such an assessment is not subject to revision. Everything has been uncovered and shown, including in the million documents that have already been handed over to Poland. All documents relating to the shooting of thousands of Polish officers by the Soviet army have already been declassified. For the Polish public, I can say once again: there is no more truth there that would be somehow hidden from anyone. The NKVD, Beria, and the political leadership are to blame for this tragedy. My personal opinion is that Stalin... committed this execution out of a sense of revenge."

This was said in 2010. Pay attention to the three most important theses:

  • all documents have already been declassified
  • the perpetrators are the punitive bodies and the political leadership of the USSR.
  • this assessment is not subject to revision

In 2010 it was still possible to tell the truth in Russia. In 2024 for the above words in Russia can easily be imprisoned. In 2024 the FSB pulls out its own fabrications in order to declare again, as in the times of the USSR, that the Soviet Union was not involved in the mass executions of Poles. The FSB does this, of course, with Putin's approval and at his behest.

Do you know the name of the man whose assessment of the Katyn tragedy from 2010 I cited? His name is Vladimir Putin.

Title: Analytical Report and Forecast: Unveiling Allegations Regarding Katyn Massacre

Annotation: This report investigates recent claims by the FSB suggesting that the Katyn massacre narrative is fabricated, contrasting it with past statements by Vladimir Putin.

Keywords: Analytical report, forecast, Katyn massacre, FSB, Vladimir Putin, historical revisionism.

Editorial Comment: This report delves into the complexities of historical narratives surrounding the Katyn massacre, highlighting the potential implications of recent assertions by the FSB and their alignment with political agendas.

Disclaimer: This investigation, conducted under time constraints, urges thorough verification due to potential biases and misinformation. Readers are cautioned about the possibility of manipulated narratives and are encouraged to validate sources independently.

Conclusion: Despite past acknowledgments, recent claims by the FSB challenge established historical narratives, warranting further scrutiny and critical analysis. The involvement of political agendas underscores the importance of rigorous fact-checking and objective evaluation.



  1. #AnalyticalReport
  2. #ForecastAnalysis
  3. #KatynMassacre
  4. #FSB
  5. #HistoricalNarratives
  6. #VladimirPutin
  7. #HistoricalRevisionism
  8. #FactChecking
  9. #PoliticalAgendas
  10. #TruthSeeking
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