
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 30 minutes ago

Yay, ageism!

TikTok users are pretty evenly spread from age 10 to 50.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 16 hours ago

But it’s not just wagons that aren’t allowed on the bus, I now realize. Anything that can seat more than one child is not allowed

Fire the prick who came up with that idea. A bus system that can only move people who are mobile is useless.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

Management is a parasite class. Produce nothing, extract value from people, claim that value would not exist without them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

Because he is a criminal who is directly responsible for the death of countless people during the start of COVID?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Until recently, Ottawa had been hoping that Canada Post would act as a major partner in the project. But the Crown corporation balked, telling the government earlier this year that it could not risk the safety of its staff and facilities by collecting guns.

Just dump all those 'assault style' firearms into untrained and unwilling hands of postal workers, they'll take care of the public facing part of this circus!

Licensed owners with legally purchased guns are not the problem in Canada, restricted and prohibited firearms smuggled from the US are. If millions are going to be spent on gun related crime then it should be spent preventing actual crimes, tightening boarder controls and more thoroughly investigating the organizations supplying illegal guns in Canada.

At the very shallowest vote-for-me level, it seems like shooting your self in the foot telling ONLY the law abiding gun owners that they have to give up some part of their expensive hobby.

Bias: I don't own any guns, I don't have a license but I have been shooting as a guest a few time and I think it's a fun and challenging hobby.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

Ridiculous, just look at the quality work that Boeing extracts from it's beaten down employees!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

What ethical business? Our biggest companies:

  • Brookfield Corporation (finance: produces nothing, extracts value from others and concentrates it in the rich)

  • Alimentation Couche-Tard (kwikie marts: underpays employees, over charges for products, petroleum energy vendor)

  • Royal Bank of Canada (bank: produces nothing, extracts value through fees and fines)

  • Cenovus Energy (oil and gas: oil and gas)

  • Toronto-Dominion Bank (bank: produces nothing, extracts value through fees and fines)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

AND the corporations that run them!

[–] [email protected] 50 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Remember how aerospace corporations were allowed to self regulate and then Boeing killed 300 people, had a flight drop 300 feet in a second and had a non-door fly off?

relying on research by chemical industry researchers


[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

6 foot bed, 2 seats, 4x4, electric. Why is that so much to ask? I don't need a 45 foot surrogate penis to get to work and move furniture/landscaping/tools.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

Maybe they didn't burn enough oil about it?


Using a vinyl cutter and mini-sand blaster I made some alternate universe corporate schwag! I like the idea that someone might have swiped these during an interview before both companies had their 'accidents.'


I got my hands on some really weird EL panels and did a little dive into how they work. I still have no idea where to get more but I think they may be DIY-able.


I was gifted an unused Ender 3 Pro two weeks ago and managed to model and print an adapter to connect Sony E-Mount cameras onto a 42mm dovetail used by microscopes.

Bed adhesion, leveling, stringing, clearance issues, blobs and permanently welded supports, I got to battle it all but thanks to the massive volume of community support I worked my way though.


I was given an Ender 3 Pro last week and after a few bumps managed to successfully CAD, slice and print a booster seat for my phone. The caddy as it was would grab the volume down button on my phone, this little wedge solves the issue!


I learned this week that many high speed CD-ROM drives used balancing balls on the spindle to stop discs from vibrating at 10Krpm.

Between the platter that supports the CD and the motor there is a puck with a toroidal void containing a few ball bearings. When an out of balance CD is spun up the spindle and disc together rotate around their common center of mass, some point between the spindle and the edge of the disk. This means that the void containing the balls no longer rotates around it's center, it spins like a hula-hoop around the spindle/DC center of mass. With the "lighter" side of the system being farther from the center of rotation the balls roll 'down hill' towards the side of the void that is experiencing more centrifugal force. Eventually enough balls will collect on the light side to perfectly cancel out the heavy side. If there are too many balls they will distribute themselves inside the void until they cancel out each other's weight!

The link leads to a scaled up demo of this using an empty water bottle and steel BBs.

Rain (

// Randomly spawn drops

// Take a random fraction of each cell move it down, or down and to the left or right

// The remainder of the fraction stays where it is

// Subtract a constant small value from all cells to prevent rain from accumulating


I found a box of CD-Roms and floppy disks in my mum's basement and damnit, I want to play them! I could use emulators, DosBox or VMs but it's never quite the same as having the real thing, so between an eBay mobo and a box of old parts I managed to build my new gaming rig to cover 1990-2005.

Its running a P3 at 1GHz, 512MB of ram, and an ATI Xpert98 with 8MB of memory. As I didn't want to run an old IDE drive with a million hours on it, I tried an SATA-IDE adapter, it caused some issues during the install but that just felt like the standard Windows experience.

Though unpopular, I went with ME for 2 reasons, the first was Dos support, the second is that I went from W95 to ME as a kid, 98 wouldn't have felt the same. The install bricked twice with video drivers but I finally got it up and running with the default drivers and an 18" Samsung flat CRT (runs up to 1600x1200 at a nauseating 60hz).

So what were your favorite games from the 90's and early 2000s?


In the ruling, the judges argued the application could not be successful because of a new law, Rebuilding Ontario Place Act, 2023, that the government passed days after the court application was filed last November.



Made with


Repaired some broken solder joints, sanded out the biggest scuffs and polished most of the scratches out of the screen. Oh yeah, and the paint job.


I tried to go for an 80's NES theme. Not perfect but not bad.

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