
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 21 points 9 months ago

soypoint-1 missile killchains can't penetrate cloudy skies soypoint-2

though tbf i have no idea how cloudy it was

[–] [email protected] 31 points 9 months ago

guys plz someone explain to me why 卢麒元 thinks that abe/ldp were/are china simps. can't find source where he elaborates on this

too much of a galaxy brained take on its face and idk anything about jp economy

[–] [email protected] 28 points 9 months ago (1 children)

i guess simplicius remains prescient here, fpv drones looking like they're still the real headaches for the russians

[–] [email protected] 26 points 9 months ago

russian genshin forums are gonna be blowing up again if that chaingun actually mission killed the tank imo

[–] [email protected] 11 points 9 months ago (1 children)

isn't this just tailism vs vanguardism

obv mass line is somewhere in between but this is a mostly inconsequential internet forum, idk if it matters what stance hexbear takes on AES

[–] [email protected] 30 points 9 months ago (1 children)

whats the difference between defaulting and debt forgiveness in a macro context

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

they are lumpen with otherwise no hope of class mobility looking to take advantage of the exchange rate, they live like shit in the US but can send a decent amount of money back

capital flight has been increasing due to FUD caused by lockdowns and current economic restructuring, lots of elite uncertainty bleeding down into the working class

i'd call it false consciousness but it's probably mostly just regular old social dynamics ala veblen paired with cpc inaction to address these issues

[–] [email protected] 31 points 9 months ago (1 children)

this is my strategy at work, overpromise all the time and never deliver

[–] [email protected] 41 points 9 months ago

what are the chances they're handing the blank check to isntreal because the rate hikes aren't meeting quota and they gotta herd more capital into US markets before rates start going down next year? would explain why they're letting yemen have the run of the place in defiance of the capital strike

[–] [email protected] 17 points 9 months ago

they walked it back day of

massive market rout, tencent gaming was down like 10% or something ridiculous and people just couldn't handle it

[–] [email protected] 36 points 10 months ago (12 children)

imo bidens got a good chance of keeping the US' hegemonic position if hes able to steal all of european industry to reindustrialize in a timely and effective manner. in this ukraine and nordstrram has been a resounding success. problem is that hes not appreciably ahead and while private capital has not proven itself to be great at playing from behind, state driven industrial policy's track record in the 20th century speaks for itself.

at this point its basically a competition of whos national/bureaucratic bourgeoisie can inflict the least damage with their neoclassical policies. multipolar axis dropped the ball this interest rate cycle imo because they got worked over by said economists (also were unprepared to capitalize on the actual amount of global antiamerikkkan sentiment), while the amerikkkans got their bluff called by putins intervention/covid and were forced to raise rates earlier than they would have liked.

now we get to sit and wait and see how everyone arranges their pieces in anticipation of the next cycle.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

mortar and pestle for grinding then french press, idgaf

hoxhaist-primitivist or something on the coffee making alignment chart


recently there has been this problem that has been getting more frequent, my computer just randomly freezes up/blackscreens and then fails to post when i do a hard restart. this doesn't resolve itself until after i open it up and play musical chairs with the ram for a bit.

shit that i have tried:

  1. swapped the ram around to different slots. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
  2. cleaned out the case
  3. wd40'd the ram pins (helped with the posting but seems to have increased crash frequency, not enough data to tell for sure)

no idea where to begin with this one, can't tell if it's a motherboard or a ram issue or something else entirely. the sticks are of differing sizes and manufacture so that may also be an issue. would give specs but the thing just died on me in the middle of posting this and i can't boot in just yet. motherboard is a supermicro x9 something server board.


this was my garden a few weeks back. i'm basically totally new at this despite having done this for a few years now and this is gonna be a sort of lessons learned kinda deal.

the story so far is that i decided i was too busy to fuck too much with replanting seedlings this year and figured that i would just go straight from seed, hoping that the unusually cold weather we were having in spring would kill most of them so i would have less work to do down the line. that was a completely unfounded and stupid assumption on my part and i had to replant/uproot a bunch of plants (see above) because i ended up just haphazardly scattering seeds everywhere and the distribution of plants was totally fucked.

a lot of them started flowering last week-ish so i decided to fertilize this week. this was initially impossible because i hadn't really done any maintenance on my little guys since i replanted them and so the place was basically a jungle. after two afternoons worth of effort the garden now looks like this (didn't really do much to the guys in the planter, there's a drainage layer but the big drainage pipe is above the drainage layer for reasons outside my control and i really need to get on that...):

all this to say that for anyone starting out, just bite the bullet and start your seeds off somewhere where you can keep track of them and replant them (IN AN ORGANIZED FASHION) later on. you'll save yourself a lot of trouble and won't end up spilling fermented soybeans all over yourself because you tripped over a potato while trying to maneuver yourself around your poor man's tomato cage.


is this a bad idea? plan on mixing some topsoil in, but dont have very much on hand


i can't believe this exists

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