Haven't used docker myself yet but keep seeing it talked about with servers, am I right in that if you have a working configuration if docker gluetun (with a vpn) you could share some sort of file that would let others setup theirs in the same way semiautomatically?
Worked fine for me.
Don't look by new?
Well yeah dollar store stuff is going to be crappy. Not sure what you expected there.
What kind of velcro straps are you looking for and what is their intended use? I could give suggestions but it depends on what you're trying to velcro together...
If there was similar in Reddit I'd search similar terms here
Any recommendations on hdds?
You'd be surprised, especially depending on the community
I mean you're comparing having an opinion to talking about facts...?
Unidan didn't make reddit wtf u talking about
Communism must be enforced somehow, it just ends up being authoritarian because of that
Sure I'm not saying they won't I'm saying there's not that many people who 'want' to beyond the effort of clicking install
Oops I fired the legal team!