
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 7 months ago (1 children)

You don't understand what a 'walking simulator' is.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I didnt cut out the quote, but the source I used did.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Homelessness and unemployment are features of capitalism. It's not that they're incompetent at solving the problem, they don't want to solve it and don't see it as a problem. They think it's good that they can blackmail the population into abusive work conditions and into paying ridiculous amounts of money for rent.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (3 children)

No, the "people repeating this version of the story" are not just a handful of western propagandists and nationalists. This story is accepted by everyone except for a few MLs.

It's accepted by anyone with a bone to pick with the soviet union or AES states in general. If you look for information online on this it almost always comes from liberal sources. It's also "generally accepted" that China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs, and it's mostly MLs who believe otherwise. It doesn't stop it from being bunk.

On April 14, 1943 he wrote "We are now using the discovery of 12,000 Polish officers, murdered by the GPU, for anti-Bolshevik propaganda on a grand scale.

And on 8 May 1943, he wrote:

“Unfortunately, German ammunition has been found in the graves at Katyn It is essential that this incident remains top secret. If it were to come to the knowledge of the enemy the whole Katyn affair would have to be dropped.”

Evidence of Soviet guilt was provided in the 90s - Beria's letter to Stalin comes to mind.

A letter which is of dubious authenticity. Why didn't Khrushchev use such a letter in his smear campaign against Stalin, if it was genuine? Why keep it a secret for so long after the Soviet State became hostile to the figure of Stalin? Viktor Iliukhin also produced evidence for the drafts of the forgery in 2010, and the contents contradict what we do know about the site anyway. You could also argue that he made a forgery out of his own forgery documents, and we would be arguing over who forged which documents endlessly. But we know that Khrushchev lied about Stalin repeatedly, Gorbachev wouldn't be beneath it either.

Recent investigations into the mass graves done by polish archeologists showed that the victims didn't have anything made after 1940 on them.

"Recent investigations" until about 2012 also pointed towards a 1941 date:


It actually says that it couldn't have been done earlier than 1941:

Z pewnością stwierdzono, że zbrodnia została dokonana nie wcześniej niż w 1941 roku. (p.4)

It is confirmed with certainty that the crime did not take place earlier than 1941.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (8 children)

Up until the cold war era, it was accepted that it was the Nazis who did it. You can even find old articles online from the NYT of all places claiming that the whole thing was a lie perpetrated by Goebbels:


During the cold war, they did a 180° and the Nazi narrative was then accepted without question. In the 90s, Gorbachev "admitted" to it, but couldnt produce any proof or point to any perpetrators, plus he's Gorbachev. The people repeating this version of the story now are all the usual suspects: NATO, bourgeois journalists and Polish nationalists. It's definitely part of anti-communist and Polish nationalist mythology now.

Goebbels himself didnt actually know who did it when the mass graves were found in 1943, but a supposed entry on his diary reveals that he was worried about the fact that the ammo casings found on the location were all German-made. Nevertheless, he blamed the soviets for propaganda purposes.

Were the soviets using german ammunition, for whatever reason? Is the diary a forgery? The liberals will usually claim one of those options. The 2010s investigations done by russia were not well received, and they were also inconclusive.

I do think a lot of people here are too quick to scream "they were nazi collaborators!" when the soviets themselves claimed they didnt do it, and when the evidence is sparse and almost always politically charged. I also think this is caused by counterjerking too hard without looking at the facts.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

It's the exact same people involved with NFTs, what did you expect from their latest bazinga fad?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago

We're not Marxists because Marx was edgy, we are Marxists because he was correct.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago (2 children)

But it actually is possible to make a monster-collecting game with original designs though. Just look at monster rancher, none of the monsters from that game look like pokemon. It had a very distinct style.

I think pokemon has just monopolized this genre for far too long, which makes it harder for people making this sort of game to imagine something different.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 8 months ago (4 children)

But the designs are just reskinned pokemon for the most part. The sheep pal is just wooloo, and the elk is xerneas with a paintover.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 8 months ago

They are not at all like cops. This is a very complex topic, but basically teachers are, using Gramsci's terminology, "organic intellectuals", and they reproduce the ideology belonging to a certain class. Teachers are dangerous to capitalism because IF they have class consciousness they can pass those ideas to their students; basically creating well informed, critical students with class consciousness should be the goal of any marxist teacher. As neoliberalism advances to the school sector (at least here in south america), teachers lose and more and more of their freedom to actually give classes with anti-hegemonic ideas: bureaucratic work that has nothing to do with teaching is introduced, and they are forced to follow curriculums and textbooks with a bunch of pro-capitalist crap in them, and with very little in the way of actual knowledge. There are also actual fascist thugs in Brazil called "escola sem partido" ("school without a party") who basically bully and threaten teachers so that their children's education can be as conservative as possible. Of course, under this context, and with the curriculum that they are increasingly forced to follow, they become "organic intellectuals" of the bourgeoisie, but it's not really the fault of the teachers, and it's only the teachers, by acquiring class consciousness and through organizing, who can push back against this. We also increasingly speak more and more of the "proletarization" of the teachers here, who increasingly become more like factory workers, alienated from their labor, and with lower and lower salaries. Teachers are also necessary in ways that cops are not, since their work is to evaluate the level of development of children and make them surpass them, which is something only they can do (Vygotsky's "level of proximal development"). The problem is that capitalism doesn't allow the teachers to actually do their jobs correctly. I guess in summary, cops are class traitors whose main function is to protect private property. Teachers are workers who only perpetuate capitalist ideology when they are literally forced to and fucked over by the capitalist education system. Teachers have some revolutionary potential because of their ability to make working class students recognize and think critically about their condition, cops have absolutely no revolutionary potential since they are just fascist bullies. Of course, this is the case in Latin America anyway, I don't know what teachers are like in burgerland.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 8 months ago

I literally never met someone who called themselves an ML who didn't advocate for an actual revolution of some kind. ML organization also doesn't allow this to happen, since you have to subscribe to the party line and actually take courses on Marxism. This comic makes no sense, it's describing a different kind of person who wouldn't want to call themselves a 'Marxist-Leninist' anyway.

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