Aw thank you! I've forwarded your request to him and he's working on it.
Aww thank you for thinking about him <3 This is extremely valuable advice. I've been wondering how to teach him in that regard. Will definitely try it out!
Thanks again mate. When I brought him to the vet it turned out that he was severely constipated. After the vet relieved him and a few days of kitten formula he seemed like a completely new cat!
Wow, that's a beauty right there! I can relate to the chewing part. Mine has found a particular interest in chewing on my fingers, which has gradually become more painful the more teeth he got...
Yes he has indeed and it honestly feels amazing. I grew up around cats, but I never had a pet, with which I have formed such a deep connection like I have with him.
I just posted an update.. He's doing very well :)
Thank you too for your help, it means a lot :)
I've been syringe- feeding him a mixture of lactose free, dehydrated milk, egg yolk and a little corn syrup for the meantime. I'm in a developing country and there isn't really any infrastructure around pet care, unless in the capital city... I truly hope they have the KMR powder... I'll embark on the journey with him tomorrow, but by the way he's been drinking the mixture I'm more than confident he'll make it trough the night.
I was suspecting this. Will take him to the city to see a vet tomorrow...
Thanks! This is exactly what I needed
I got you!