They don't even know the organizational structure of their biggest competitors.America is doomed
joined 2 years ago
"Jew = Israel, Israel = Jew"This is what the Israeli embassy in China said.Thanks to Zionist propaganda, the word "Jew" has become synonymous with greedy capitalists and evil colonialists in Chinese.
They just love killing people.
还不如汪精卫呢 汪精卫至少写的出 引刀成一快,不负少年头呢
Sometimes, the U.S. government is very efficient.
At least, not an AI-generated image.
Don't overestimate human nature.
Excuse me, When did Hamas get the F-16?
Americans are framing others for the crimes they will or have committed.
The only thing that makes people respect you is that you respect yourself.You volunteered to be a dog. Why should we treat you like a man?
No changes except for image quality
I like being a bad guy.