In 250 years of history, not counting the colonial times that started beforehand which would date back to 1619 and make conservatives cry…. Yeah. Those are glimmers of good in centuries of bad.
And the Nazis still got their asses kicked
Which part of that was wrong? Oh I forgot. Union soldiers along with lincoln freed the slaves and we fought the Nazis in ww2 despite many of our capitalists supporting them. Two glimmers of good in our history.
And if you don’t think torture in Guantanamo didn’t exist under Obama I don’t know what to tell you.
To your point but more succinct - just look at all the Red Bull sponsored athletes and crazy shit they do. Worth the overpriced drinks lol.
Most of those jars are perfect containers for weed.
I grow a bunch of weed for personal use and one year I grew so much I ran out of jars. I have probably ~50 or so 16oz mason jars as a result.
That was a good year!
That sounds like those Russian dolls where there’s a doll inside a doll inside a doll can’t remember the name lol
Happy birthday Bowie! Hope you get all the treats!
I agree but unfortunately I’m american.
I really want to leave the country. I thought I’d stay and fight… for years I thought having a bunch of friends and community around me would save us. But a bunch of personal issues this year showed me who my true friends are and there’s very few… the community I thought I have it turns out I don’t.
The only thing keeping me back is $ and my mother who would be tough to move. I can’t even get her to move to my state, let alone to another country especially one that doesn’t speak English.
What’s wild is I have a “ticket out” so to speak professionally and I’d probably be able to at least get a temporary work visa in a bunch of countries. Oh! And my ticket out isn’t a fancy job - it’s a seasonal one that requires very little professional education in the grand scheme of things. Americans who want to leave the country - look into seasonal work! You don’t have to be rich software developer with a fancy remote job to leave…
I long considered Canada except I think Canada is just a decade or so behind the US in terms of a slide towards fascism. But maybe I’m wrong. I think trumps bullshit with Canada right now is at least partially to get Canadians to hate us so we don’t move there. But Canada would be the place my mom would be most open to moving to, except for the fact that Canada probably wouldn’t want her (she’s on social security and the work she does isn’t applicable to Canada).
There’s a chance if things get bad enough my state will rebel and perhaps even try to secede and join Canada if they’ll take us. I believe we voted the least out of any state for trump and we’re a border state with a history of independence from the US. But will the feds let us leave peacefully? Doubtful.
It lowered education standards and tied funding to kids passing classes, so pretty much an entire generation (two? at this point - z and alpha) passed classes they wouldn’t have before. As a result you have kids graduating high school who can’t read or do basic math.
Half the country reads below a sixth grade level and a fifth of the country is functionally illiterate. This is intentional. A stupid gullible population that’s intellectually stunted, incurious, and fed a constant diet of propaganda via billionaire owned social media is going to do whatever their rulers want them to do and not put up a fight or any resistance at all. There’s a reason they funded STEM and defunded art and the humanities - they wanted the “smart ones” to be smart enough to work the machines but too dumb to question anything as to why. See the rise of technofascism for an example of what that leads to. The tech industry is full of know nothing geniuses who know how to code but don’t have any context as to why what they’re doing is wrong.
Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy but it looks like it was prescient.
What’s your point? America has a had a few good years out of 250, or 400 if we’re counting the colonial times. The fact that you’re arguing with me about Americas history of being mostly shitty is serious fucking cope.