
joined 6 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

@[email protected]

None of these 3 large dishes is active. Same with dish 4 in the back, this one is for the Ku band. Dish 1,2 and 4 are equipped with skew angle gear & motors to squint into downlinks.
C-Band modules - LNCs, filters & c - are all from Nortel Canada. The Ku band modules are from Swedish Microwave.
Vienna is by far the largest and one of the few remaining #SIGINT stations in EU on Russki embassies.
Tech staffers were all kicked out except here


[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (2 children)


And meanwhile we have sort of re-engineered three of these four-meter dishes and identified their targets. All three are C-band dishes and there are not that many C-band sats around any more in the segment from Greenwich to 15°.
Posted a thread on this lately, always fediverse first, and I'm currently doing a longread for a magazine here.

tl;dr: They are collecting signals intelligence mainly for their African putsch politics

Russki #SIGINT 2.0

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (3 children)

@[email protected]

Ah ok, different network., rremember. As you mentioned thíngs going unnoticed in plain sight. Everybody passing by the Russian embassy to the UN in Vienna could see 4 large dishes on top. Nobody cared what they might be doing there for years .

Late in 2022 we shot the roof with zooms & sent a drone up. Voilà: a full blown #SIGiNT station with a dozen dishes. And the NSA watching them from their "stateroom" hut above the nearby US embassy to the UN.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (5 children)

@[email protected]

If I remember correctly you already posted one of the other towers of this microwave network. Wasn`t that the one featuring these large horn antennas below and 4G/5G dishes on top?