
joined 3 months ago

This article aims to explore several common misconceptions of SwiftUI to help developers better understand and utilize SwiftUI

Fatbobman's Swift Weekly #041 (weekly.fatbobman.com)
submitted 4 days ago by fatbobman to c/ios_dev

Fatbobman's Swift Weekly #041 | My "Adventure" Journey to Hangzhou

  • Infinite Scrollable Pager with SwiftUI
  • CrowdStrike Event
  • Data Race in Swift 6
  • Xcode 16 Challenges
  • Exploring Math Notes in iPadOS 18
  • ScrollView in SwiftUI

The article discusses the challenges faced when implementing a four-direction scrollable pager component with SwiftUI, including limited customizability of ScrollView, inherent limitations of reactive programming, and lag in state release.

Fatbobman's Swift Weekly #040 (weekly.fatbobman.com)
submitted 1 week ago by fatbobman to c/ios_dev

Fatbobman's Swift Weekly #040 | Ensure "Driverless Cars" Don't Lead to "Jobless Masses"

  • List or LazyVStack
  • SwiftUI Pitfalls
  • From UIKit to SwiftUI
  • Entry Macro
  • String Catalogs
  • UI Testing in Xcode 16

In this article, Luca Ban introduces a method for automatic merging of string catalogs in multi-package monorepos without requiring additional operations.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by fatbobman to c/ios_dev

This article aims to analyze the characteristics and advantages of List and LazyVStack to help you make a better decision.


Fatbobman's Swift Weekly #039 | New Challenges for Creators' Rights in the AI Era

  • Swift Testing
  • Avoid Data Race
  • Typed throws in Swift 6
  • Development Assets of Xcode
  • Enhance app launch experience
  • Explicitly build modules

Since the inception of the Swift language, XCTest has been the preferred testing framework for the majority of Swift developers. However, deeply rooted in Objective-C, its API design heavily borrows from the traditions of that language, failing to fully reflect the modern best practices of Swift programming. In some respects, this has even become a barrier to further development. To overcome these limitations, Apple officially introduced Swift Testing at WWDC 2024—a new testing framework specifically designed for the Swift language. This framework has been integrated into Xcode 16 and positioned as the official testing tool of choice. In this article, we will delve into the features, usage, and unique aspects of the Swift Testing framework, analyzing how it helps developers write test codes faster (Swifter) and more in line with Swift programming habits (Swifty).

Fatbobman's Swift Weekly #038 (weekly.fatbobman.com)
submitted 3 weeks ago by fatbobman to c/ios_dev

Fatbobman's Swift Weekly #038 | Better or Cheaper?

  • New Scroll Control API
  • Reverse Photo App of iOS 18
  • Create SF Symbols in Sketch
  • ScenePhase vs AppDelegate
  • WebSocket by Hummingbird
  • Migration Widget Configurations

and more…


At WWDC 2024, Apple once again introduced a series of remarkable new APIs for SwiftUI’s ScrollView component. These new features not only enhanced developers’ ability to control scrolling behaviors but also reflected the ongoing evolution of the SwiftUI framework’s design philosophy. This article will explore these latest scroll control APIs and review the development of all significant APIs related to scroll control since the inception of SwiftUI. Through this micro view, we will reveal the changes in SwiftUI’s design style over the past few years and the underlying macro design trends.

Fatbobman's Swift Weekly #037 (weekly.fatbobman.com)
submitted 1 month ago by fatbobman to c/ios_dev

Fatbobman's Swift Weekly #037 | Entering the Era of Futures

  • Text Effects with TextRenderer
  • onGeometryChange
  • SwiftData vs Realm
  • App Icon for iOS 18
  • Translation Framework
  • WWDC Sessions Guide

and more… #WWDC


At WWDC 2024, SwiftUI introduced the TextRender protocol, granting developers new powers to adjust the rendering performance of the Text component, making it possible to achieve many previously unimaginable effects. This article will delve into this new feature.

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