
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

When I moved in with my husband for MONTHS he told me there was the ghost of a wood logger that lived in the house, and that he would sometimes chop phantom wood outside from before the house was here. It would really freak me out. It sounded like it was coming from outside the bedroom window which was weird(for multiple reasons). What was weirdest though was any time either of us brought it up it would stop and go silent. You'd just hear chop chop chop chop and creaking, like wood snapping. One day after I was particularly spooked by it, he began to laugh and told me it was all a prank and it had been for a long time, and the noise was coming from the ceiling fan in the living room. What was weird though was after he told me this, the fan never made that noise again and that doesn't explain why the wood chopping sound was coming from a fan or why it would stop when we brought it up like the ghost was listening!


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