So many to choose from..
Session is crypto-currency bound with dubious twists.
So not anonymous, but pseudonymous.
Define anon.
Apart from that, take a look at and user feature (leftmost column) Video calls
for messengers with Android F-droid/apk
If in F-Droid, maybe scroll down a little? There are 4 different ABI builds for each release. Anyway, those are the old 12.5.6 based on 102.2.1esr.
Weirdly, I also found a version on the izzyondroid website that for some reason has all APKs from all repos?
It lists the packages, doesn't have them..
With a Guardian repo's Tor Browser package installed you can use FFUpdater to update, which pulls the torproject's .apk (currently 13.0) and later will keep it updated.
There is no Tor Browser package in the "normal" main repo.
Mod posting off-topic ...
And how exactly is this related to the topic of F-Droid?
Session is crypto-bro-shit.