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[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Aside from the BS of libs non-stop going hard to say that Trump winning will mean fascism and the end of all freedoms. Which makes it very stupid to then act like "voting harder" would be the only correct way to prevent said fascism (it also didn't stop the south from kicking off war). In addition to lame ass well wishes and showing the real colours of not really believing the threat to freedom.

I am starting to think that the dems and anti-gun republicans are trying to scare conservatives and pro-gun liberals into banning guns. As they would only push for bans if it directly impacts them and their leaders. But is more an idle conspiracy theory thought that I had after seeing the article. Wouldn't work well if they were doing so, as it would most certainly lead to lots of actual shootouts when state and federal agents attempt to take peoples' weapons.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

They mentioned a woman also self immolated back in December? I didn't even know about her action! Bushnell being active service and live streaming made it very hard for the major outlets not talk about it (though we did see how much they tried). Nothing but the greatest respect to all martyrs and those currently fighting and surviving!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Seems that if a nation has gotten to the point of needing to send people to a whole different nation due to prison overcrowding. Then it really should be a crucial time to change laws on shit that exist to feed the prison industrial complex. But I am not shocked that the nation that was shipping people to Australia originally for the same reasons is falling back on doing it. Though I am kind of shocked that they aren't just funding the US complex to build prisons here to send them to.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

They are fascists not men or women. They have chosen to abandon humanity of their own free will and have shown that they will murder everyone and everything that isn't them. Dehumanization is and has been what they believe and forfeit any rights to be allowed to continue.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago (14 children)

Would be nice if they also left NATO as part of joining BRICS.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

The Palestinian resistance groups have been saying very clearly that they welcome support like how Hezbollah, Yemen, Iran, and the Iraqi groups have been providing. But that they do not want other nations sending in troops. That they will be seen as an occupying force and will be treated as one. Though I might be conflating them entering Gaza and West Bank. So maybe the other areas that are "Israel" based on the 1968 maps? Seems like another chance for them to make a stop into PKK areas on the way?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

For sure. Would be a big motivator for getting actual shit together and would then mean the next push would be Mars. Though I am hoping that China (with maybe some follow-up missions that include some joint stuff with other socialist nation members) will make it Mars first. Would be a missed chance to have the history books record that "the reds take the red planet" otherwise.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Was talking with a co-worker the other day about Limbo and INSIDE and how he should play them. Nice to have something similar to try out!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Very sad state of things. But being fair, I think NASA might be able to get at least a small injection of money if they stick to getting people on the moon again. Actually seeing humans land on the moon again would get more people excited about space (no matter which nation(s) end up doing it).

The robots, non-earth orbiting satellites, telescopes, and probes are very great for science but aren't "exciting" to a lot of people. We always hear about cool ideas about future possible manned missions to moons and planets. But it is always super far off and no real plans that would be anytime soon. We really really need missions that show humans making steps on something.

A rover for future follow-up missions will be needed. But after so many years, just doing dumb human shit like jumping around in low gravity and picking up a few rocks would be effectively the same as if the old landings as far as excitement. Shit like that can be something that humans from all nations can feel some amount of pride.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

And somehow it is Huawei's 5G or other shit that is somehow going to "take down our infrastructure" or whatever. Though I guess it is a compliment in a way. Means that China has reached a point that is "too close" to being equal to whatever the US has (which is still being made in the Taiwan province).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

The over-reliance on making so many weapons basically self-automated instead of actually needing humans further magnifies how little lives matter and how much more profits do. Yet we have seen historically many times over how these over-hyped systems/weapons sold at higher and higher costs are made pointless by real humans with "dumb" systems/weapons. Look at the NVA/Viet Cong, Iraqi resistance, Taliban, PKK, and so many other "less advanced" fighters were able to show how all the tech didn't matter. The "advanced" shit is all made to supposedly fight "modern battlefields" that we haven't really seen be reality. Even the actual military leaders over the years have admitted as much.

All the "modern" shit just makes it easier to remove the humanity of conflict. It is much easier to kill lots of people if done through the eyes of a computer. Not to mention the false sense of assumed victory by some default. If we did see these "modern" wars with all sides using the shit the Military Industrial Complex hypes up so much. Then we would just see just mass destruction and death caused by computers fighting computers. Pretty sure nukes would be used really quick too.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

The ROK has been at least trying to play things smart with regards to keeping much cooler heads than the US over the past 8yrs. Even if things have regressed on their end, I think that they aren't likely to push for making their own nukes. The DPRK knows that having them and using them are two very different things. Having them means the US and ROK can't just attack out of nowhere without a real fucking response. But using them means that it would likely lead to all nuclear nations unloading. As far as Japan is concerned, they are one of the most anti-nuke nations period given that they are the only nation to have seen the results and horror.

The US so far seems to have the most trigger happy assholes that default to "just nuke 'em and no more issues" for just about every geopolitical issue ever since we used them. So far we have lucked out that the presidents that were overseeing the initial push to build so many of them woke up to the death cult of war hawks. The others either saw that if the US were to use them first, then it would mean we would lose the war of optics. Or they happened to be in charge while less tension on that level was going on.

And of course Reagan literally seems to have only learned how truly horrible and fucked shit would be after watching a made for TV movie about the horrors of a post-nuclear war world would be like. Better than nothing but it really pisses me off how so many US leaders both A: acted like the USSR couldn't possibly be upping their shit based on real fear of the US just doing what we keep doing in just attacking/invading other nations. And B: honestly just seem to think that it is okay for US to put them everywhere but any other nation doing so is "acts of aggression."

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