joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I would add all C tier executives and board members (and shareholders that hold enough to be just below the board) in any and every company that is large enough to be multi-state/national. Especially those that create the "too big to fail" situations like banks and investment funds. Also including of course the entities that treat basic human needs like housing as stocks to be made more and more costly. So would mean landlords, HOAs (especially those that are not even actively living in the area covered), and fuck it, just no trial required for the insurance (medical and other) and pharmaceutical companies. Along with the politicians taking any money/stocks/kick-backs from any of the groups mentioned (though I am also fine with just literally all current and previous leaders of both false parties).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

I don't know enough of the econ level stuff and there seem to be lots of good answers. I will say that with regards to things like finding treatments for illnesses that don't impact many people should be better under socialism. As a lot of treatments tend to lose funding due to there being less money in those kinds of illnesses (unless they find a larger use that also still happens to work). And things like game controllers would fall under assistive tools and seem like they would see more efforts.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 8 months ago

While I really really don't want it to be Covid. I sometimes really wish that my entire department would all catch something that would mean we all were sick enough to be down for like a few days. As it would be a real treat to have a shock to the leadership of our store see how fucked they are without us. The reason I want us to be sick is that it is the only way they couldn't do anything against us legally and I am somehow always like the only person that never calls out and just feel I am punished for never doing so. I never stopped working when the massive shutdowns happened and somehow have not caught Covid even when people around me have. But even though I kept coming in, I always somehow find myself on management's shit list for being late a bunch or seen as somehow not "being a team player."

The only leader that has my back is my direct one and that is because she was in the shit with me since before all of this and wasn't my boss. So I also include her in wanting to be not allowed to come in due to being sick. The GM and other folks always think we don't do enough (even when we are overloaded and they still try to pull us away from our appointments and fulfilling promises that customers were sold). I would absolutely love for them to try and give us any write-ups or anything if we were all verified to be too sick to work.

Just knowing that they wouldn't have anyone that is allowed or trained to do our jobs and have to actually deal with our asshole entitled clients would make me happy. And it would be very easy to use it as an example for what a walk-out could do if needed later on for those that aren't on team "let's do a union" vibe.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 8 months ago (4 children)

I think the only issue with a txt version would come down to not being able to view the items that aren't actually regular text (scans of originals and the ability to see stuff that was handwritten or whatever) or images. Of course most of the docs will be just text, but it would be easy to lose information. What is your main issue with them being in PDF?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago

Hell yeah! May not be a Gundam, but it was the prototype that lead to all the other mechs for the Wing series. So I still more or less count it and its sequels on-par with the Gundams. I got an Endless Watlz special edition Master Grade model and was just sick! So was the whole set from that line of models, really need to finish collecting them. Aside from TG I, I have: Deathsythe (non-Hell), Wing (non-Zero), Heavyarms (pre-custom), and Sandrock (haven't built it yet though). It is nice to see what the original versions look like with the Endless Waltz treatment.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago

All tips are supposed to be taxed. That being said, every single one of my friends that have worked jobs that are primary tip-based would mention that they would hide some amount of the cash tips. This was to avoid taxes, and for the most part my friends would claim most of their cash tips while mentioning that if they were having a bad week or day they might hide more. I have been in restaurant and other service jobs which I was paid normal rates due to being either technically BOH or otherwise not a tip expected job. So in those cases I wouldn't claim a random tip I would get since it was never more than $20. Also the servers didn't have to split anything with BOH since BOH was paid at least $6.50/hr back in 2003 (which was like a dollar or so more than state/national min wage) and the servers were something like $2/hr or so with tips being of course the main source. Though they would give some to those of us that bused their tables quickly on busy nights to get them ready for a new person/group.

But I think that tipping should be completely something that is to show that the worker was in your opinion just worth more than whatever they made the time you interacted with them. As the idea of a tip (IMO) is just that, a more personal sign of appreciation for their labour even if they are being paid like any other worker. And yes, I believe that holds true for stuff like strippers or any other currently legal sex worker (and same goes for prostitutes if made legal and officially taxed).

I am from NC, and not the most high income areas while not being in the lowest either. But $30/hr is almost twice what I make in my non-tip-based job (I am at a pay-cap of $19.48/hr). That sounds like shit I wouldn't start to see unless I climbed the latter a lot to get (and completely stop doing the actual stuff I am any good at). So I am guessing $30/hr where they are planning to open must be like getting less than $10/hr where I am when adjusting for living costs and all that. Otherwise it seems like a real strange hill to die on when it isn't like the people coming into the place won't still do it if the servers are just doing really well. Idk. I stand with the workers no matter what they do, but if they lose the $30/hr for tips-based and the people that come in do what so many do (which is just lord over the worker). Then it would be a real motherfucker.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I also believe there were some clips floating around on X that supposedly showed some IDF members doing the same thing.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Maybe he could get one of those Razer respirator style masks they made some limited runs of. Both because RGB for a gaming related lawsuit, but also because they made a point of making the mouth area clear so you can see the person's lips moving when they were talking. That or one of those Dyson headsets that has the air filter thing, but it would cover the lips from view. I am sure a mic of some sort could be added if their claimed issue is about being able to hear him clearly.

Also I don't see how Valve could lose to an antitrust lawsuit in this case. They do have the most "name brand" storefront for PC games. They aren't like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Sony, or Nintendo with regards to being either forced to use services and all the shit that Microsoft, Apple, and Google pull with their OS'es and products really really not making it easy to use options you want to (if the option is even present). And they aren't stopping you from playing games from other storefronts or media (like direct downloads from the studios or from physical media), they even let you add non-Steam games to the launcher and don't tend to stop you from modding. It isn't like GOG, Epic, EA, Battle.net, Microsoft Store, etc are some tiny unknown options that most gamers are not aware of.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I got this message yesterday and thought they somehow figured out that I was using a reVanced copy of Sync for Reddit to look at stuff. Though I haven't really used it very often since moving mostly to Lemmygrad and HB. So not even doing commenting or even up-voting anti-Israel stuff. Started seeing it when I had to launch some links to my browser outside the app, but then started getting errors about subs being private (even though my account I am signed into on Sync is subbed to them) before just all subs just stopped loading.

At first I thought they finally started changing enough stuff to kill off the old access used by the apps (even if they have been reVanced) and accounts using them, but that wouldn't explain the browser issue since I opened it in Firefox Focus and not signed into the account on there. So I tried turning on my VPN and had completely closed out of the app and browser and shit just started working like nothing happened. However I went back today and had forgotten to turn on the VPN and didn't get issues.

So I am wondering if they accidentally updated something and caused a mass temp IP ban? As the "User Agent" normally (from what I have seen and might be wrong) just something that a browser will set to let a site/server know what browser it is. Maybe the ad-blocking elements of the third-party app and maybe the tracking blocking on Firefox Focus triggered an anti-adblocking tactic being tested? Idk.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago

Funny for someone that most certainly be one of the next targets of the fascists running Israel if they are able to succeed in their mission to purge the world of Palestinians. The same applies to all the token LGBTQIA+ folks that support the right in the US. They (these fucking idiots in both the US and Israel) are just useful while moderates/centrists are doing their fence sitting and calling the left as "the same". After the point of masks no longer being needed to take over, the token folks will be purged all the same.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

One thing that continues to prove to me that Israel is completely lying about everything they have been claiming to have been happening since Oct 7th is their lack of providing any proof of any of it. Of course they have been lying about basically everything since they took the land, but this is specific to this current round of bullshit. It is constantly them just passing along "information" to their media and to outside media and governments all about all the "crimes" from Hamas. The beheading babies shit is the easiest example for being a perfect charge that would be spread far and fast knowing outlets wouldn't walk it back with any of the same effort as they did spreading the profit driving sensationalism. They at the same time refuse to acknowledge literally every bit of video and photographic proof that both the Palestinians as a whole and Hamas as a group have been making damn sure to get out to the world showing what is happening. One major bit of fucked up irony with the Zionists that claim the Holocaust victim card to justify everything. The main reason so so many videos/photos/documents/etc that were taken and shown to media/govs/people about the utter next level fucked up shit that happened, was because it was so unbelievable that proof was absolutely needed. After a certain point it just seems like exaggerations if just simply told about it without actually seeing it in as many formats as possible. If those babies were actually beheaded like the IDF/Zionists/Israeli media have claimed. Then they would have absolutely provided videos and pictures to anyone and everyone to see how "savage" the Palestinians and Hamas literally are. But they haven't and therefore it didn't happen and they know it.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 10 months ago

I like that the article spends so much text talking about the importance of suicide prevention and mental health stuff. But otherwise is just acting like it isn't beyond weird for there to be that many on the same day. If these pigs weren't about to leak something or had stumbled onto something they weren't meant to. Then I still think it could be some kind of attempt to get both some level of sympathy from the public AND more importantly get extra funding. The money would be marked for "mental health" stuff, but would actually be used for other shit of course.


Not a bad idea, but it would mean needing to use Opera GX. So I kind of hope it gets cloned to other browsers in the same way that Private/Incognito/"Porn" Mode has. Speaking as someone that works on lots of non-corp/business computers. This would be perfect for lots of people, and not even just for the obvious use-case.

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