steamtinkerlaunch makes running Skyrim with ModOrganizer2 very simple. Other external programs will probably still be tricky though
Ubuntu has significant differences from Debian so it wouldn't make much sense to be able to install it as a "flavor" of Debian. However, *Ubuntu are pretty much already metapackages on top of regular Ubuntu. So instead of having different installers for each one, you could just make it an option during install and provide an easy means to add/switch other options later
I've always used this docker image to do pg upgrades. It runs pg_upgrade to recreate the system tables and copy the user tables (which normally don't have any storage changes). It does require that the database isn't running during the upgrade so you're going to have a bit of downtime. Make sure you redo any changes to any configuration files, especially pg_hba.conf
Nvidia was also the default choice for linux until about 5 years ago. Both companies used to only have closed source drivers and AMD's was not very good. The situation got better when AMD rewrote/open sourced their linux driver in 2017
You can use Make an account, go to settings, open up specials notifications and enable giveaways
Relatedly, pretty sure most autotypers don't work. I know that keepassxc can't do autotype in wayland
Pretty sure that if you're using host networking you can't add an additional bridge network. I use macvlan to provide host-like access to the network (the container gets it's own ip on your actual network) and then use bridges to connect to my reverse proxy (and also the zwave controller)
Pretty sure you mean systemd-networkd here. I find systemd-networkd to be very nice for headless systems, but NetworkManager seems to be a better fit for desktops because of the integrations it has available with KDE/Gnome/system tray