Any evidence they're on benefits or just prejudice OP?
Same cause as a lot of problems: the UK has an incredibly right-wing press (mostly owned by a few billionaires) that pumps out propaganda all the time
GDP is not a good metric
The green party have over 300
True, but the green party also have over 800 councillors
Great meme dude!
I think the truth is women do like muscly men, but men tend to overestimate how muscly. Like swimmer physique is attractive, hollywood batman physique is male power fantasy; or something
There's really no good reason to believe that the devourer is Chronos/Saturn, that the devouree is even a child, or that either body is male.
There is a good reason to think it's a child - it looks like one. Just not necessarily the child of the devourer
Are those ceramic coasters? Terrible
Cause of death: (guts) ripped apart by (catastrophic diarrhea caused by eating too many gummy) bears
Substitute GIMP for photoshop. Also you can pirate photoshop
Pointless and stupid misdirection. I'm calling out your prejudice against people on benefits and you know it