"The AI has to work — we trained it on an extensive corpus of papers by Jan Hendrik Schön!"
What if we used different words in a different context? Wouldn't the meaning change? Checkmate atheists
Image description: a series of three tweets by blue-checks.
Tweet from suzuha:
"techbro" is just the reemergence of thinking it's cool to hate nerds, mixed in with a bunch of resentment from watching the last 20 years of nerds taking over the world
Reply by Paul Graham:
It's more a way to hate men.
Reply by jason:
As one insider told me (who is not me): 'imagine an equally sexist name was given to, say, female pundits and journalists' ... what would the reaction be?'
It had already reached the university where I work by February 1!
And QAnon loons were already telling people to drink bleach in January.
(I remember a "welp, we're in for it now" moment when Trevor Bedford tweeted on the first of March that a genome analysis "strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks". The e-mail from the university chancellor saying that classes were canceled went out during the middle of a statistical-physics class I was teaching, the evening of March 11.)
I can barely get past the image caption. "An AI made this". OK, and what did you ask it for, "random shit"?
And then there's the section that seems implicitly to be arguing that we should take the risk estimates made on "internet rationality forums" seriously because they totally called the COVID crisis, you guys... Well, they did a better job than an economist, anyway.
I am listening to an audiobook of Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom.
Well, there's yer problem right there
And it's been retracted:
Following publication, concerns were raised regarding the nature of its AI-generated figures. The article does not meet the standards of editorial and scientific rigor for Frontiers in Cell and Development Biology; therefore, the article has been retracted.
This retraction was approved by the Chief Executive Editor of Frontiers. Frontiers would like to thank the concerned readers who contacted us regarding the published article.
"Aghast"? No, more like two or three ghast, at least
My informal impression is that they range from "OK" to "... the Hell?!".
As a physicist with a background in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics before moving to quantum information theory, let me reassure you that I speak from training and decades of experience when I say, "No, you dork ass loser."