Heißt ja auch Highscreen, nicht Lowscreen 🤡
What a terrible loss. I love KJ and Geordie is a huge part of the reason why. RIP.
Formal apologies are in order, if desired, but reparations for slavery?
If you look to the UK, just as an example, not to pick on anyone in particular, there are a lot of individuals and families who still are unbelievably wealthy because their ancestors amassed incredible wealth either from slave trade or from endeavours relying on massive slave labour in the carribians. That money is still here, and it still allows the ancestors of slavers to live like little kings.
One prominent people this applies to is the new foreign secretary, David Cameron.
If you want to learn more, there is an article on the topic, and a public database of estates who have profitted from slavery.
Das hast Du ganz falsch verstanden. Nicht zusammenstehen, gegen andere treten.
Dafür gibt es in Bayern aber auch ganz viel Photovoltaik.
Shantalle Kevins? Kommt sofort!
Was ist eigentlich dann mit Doppelvornamen?
Paul Ronny-Horstsen rollt jetzt nicht so von der Zunge..
Remember s2e18 - Brigadoom?
The whole universe is getting destroyed, everything is disappearing, and they have time for a musical number!
In my opinion, honestly one of the best episodes of anything ever made. And you can even watch it on youtube right now, because apparently, someone uploaded the whole episode.
It is a Canadian show with a few German actors. It's from Newfoundland if I am not mistaken.
Verstößt so ein Gesetz nicht gleich gegen mehrere Artikel des GG, z.B. Artikel 2, Absatz 2? Oder Artikel 20, Absatz 1?
Bist du zufällig mein AL?
Pro Life Tip: In Teams kannst du andere muten, und keiner kann hinterher sagen, wer es war.
Hello there, stranger! I seem to have misplaced my ring! You look gullible enough that I can trick you into looking for it for me, because I am too lazy to do it myself!