Wouldn't France be considered an empire?
For China, there's close to a 90% approval rating. Even liberal-approved sources admit that.
I love Minecraft
It doesn't matter if there's a handful of low-ranking Dems who might want to do more for the working class. The system is set up in a way such that they'll never be able to make any meaningful changes. If it were possible to vote in a better system, it would've happened already.
What would you say the pros and cons of this layout are compared, to, say, Seoul or Tokyo? I've always thought Tokyo was pretty close to "peak city," but I'm sure there are tradeoffs everywhere.
Anarcho-syndicalism seems pretty compatible with MLism, like they're just missing the complete picture and focusing on one specific part. The flavor of anarchism that's basically "we will abolish all hierarchies, governments, exploitation, wage labor, and currency in one fell stroke and create a post-scarcity society without a vanguard party or any transition period" seems wholly at odds with Marxism or even common sense.
MLs founded and currently run the most populous country in the world
Brobdingnagian if veritable