[Norman Rockwell painting of a man standing]
The comments were fine
Unlimited genocide on chapo.chat concern trolls
That's what the FBI would tell you to say
Also he hasn't made any good music in a while
Donda was a beautiful album. Ghost town and kids see ghosts were from 2018
The leather buckles make it cringe, sorry
The land is productive because you are living on it. If you didn't own the property, you would need to pay rent to live somewhere else, which would be included in gdp.
I'm not making a judgment about whether gdp itself is good or not, but including imputed rent makes sense for consistency's sake
While China doesn't calculate their gdp statistics the same way as the US, I believe they do also include imputed rent in the calculation https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Reestimating+China%27s+underestimated+consumption.-a0407668620
It is capital that is being put to productive use, I think including it in gdp is fair
They can align with Russia, the country they share a border and language with.