I just stumbled on this post on my “all” feed.
You are the problem here.
I just stumbled on this post on my “all” feed.
You are the problem here.
Btw slur against people who refuse to use ai apparently dropped. "Refuseniks". A very Bruce noo moment.
Also a very, google that new word you just invented because this is a very weird reference moment: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refusenik (even if the term itself is very grokAI (aka wordplay that 60 year olds think is edgy or cool, but actually so without edge it will not cut warm butter)).
E: whoops wrong thread, imagine this was in the random sneers thread
Fun fact, dijk means dike (the land/water barrier) in Dutch.
I was thinking stuff like servant, mom, slave, wife something like that. But would have expected agent instead of thing, as that seems to be the term people go for and put hopes on, even Schneider is on the agent train (but we should make it ethical!)
Yeah that method is clearly flawed. Not enough incense and prayers to the Machine God, no wonder the Machine Spirit is displeased. All praise the machine god of Mars! Praise the Omnissiah!
Prediction: it can talk itself out of the box.
Reality: it can be talked into revealing its secret prompt.
E: also
Started to make a lot of predictions that just basically came true
Lol. Guess we are all going to die because Yud has not taught us rationality.
Also they could pull a lot more levers, but those other levers are not pulled. See how musk paid 6.5 times fixing world hunger for twitter.
Is Jim Cramer already all in on AI?
"blabla makes Claude feel much closer to a thing than a tool” (emph mine).
Yes those are useful categories to differentiate between. Might have been useful if the journalist had asked them to explain wtf they mean with this. But yeah the habit of letting tech people get away with vague definitions Is hard to break.
E: now wondering if people talk the same way about these things like they talked about the benefits of Jordan b Peterson. Claude up your room!
And more of the usual suspects jumping onto things, saw that Seth Abramson had some (half filled with weird unsubstantiated bs) hit piece on Musk (with of course a lot of self congratulations, and paywalled links to more of his own work "exposing" more from Musk). Very important to RETWEET and SUBSCRIBE! EXPOSED! (For people not aware of him, here is a quick googled daily kos article of somebody expressing concern about Seths style of reporting.
Yes at best sadly.
Which views exactly?
Ow you know the ones.
This is what happen to that woman who got her phd, got phd, shitheads didnt get the technical terms on the title of her paper, didnt understand it what it was about so they threw it into the rightwing sexism culture war machine. So she got a lot of harassment (at least this also broke harassment containment so later she also got a lot of positive reactions). All feeds/weak bubble social media is a mistake.