
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Who is this designed for? Pro racers? Ordinary cyclists?

For me, taking up that much room up front means that I can't run a handlebar bag or front basket. That alone is a dealbreaker.

A regular bike light and high mounted camera work just fine for me. And it doesn't interfere with anything else I have on the bike.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I wouldn't feel comfortable riding that thing at 50 km/h. The geometry just isn't ideal for those speeds. Not that those speeds are remotely legal where I live, LOL.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Make no mistake. I understand exactly the game they are playing.

I would NOT sign a petition like this, even if I agree with most of it.

Because I completely understand that the true motive is to remove flags that support marginalised groups in our country.

But you are correct that they idea of including reasonable points, is exactly to attract reasonable people or to legitimise the rest of it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I tend to only run mapping/navigation software offline, and this type of poor performance has only been noticeable on OSMAnd.

It's nowhere near as bad as it once was, but it's still not great.


Toronto, please don't normalize hit-and-runs.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

I don’t like that google selectively chooses to show certain businesses over others.

100% paid placements. I started looking for an alternative to Google Maps once they started putting POIs disguised as ads.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

That is annoying.

Even though I use an offline layer, the online is actually faster to render. It's like the cache system is broken, even though it clearly works when the device is in airplane mode.

However, I will admit that OSMAnd is the least performant of the map apps that use OSM data (or any other map/navigation app, really).

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

our police barracades have the names of banks on them. Its advertising revenue, but to me it looks like “the police are brought to you by…”

Oh god. Like a sports team? LOL

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

FFFUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK YYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! That's an incredible pace she was able to hold.

Lael is such a cool and genuine person. I'm so happy for her.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (4 children)

I wonder if it's a cache/internet issue. Yes, zooming to extreme levels causes some delay. But scrolling through a map zoomed at a reasonable level should catch up very quickly on both offline and online map layers. At least, it does for me, and my phone is like 4+ years old.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Just tried it, and it's unbearable on my device. It may also depend on what map layer(s) you're using, and the device capabilities.

V1 was the previous render engine, when pretty much everyone complained that it was too sluggish. LOL

[–] [email protected] 39 points 4 days ago (8 children)

there should be no decorations on municipal crosswalks

You could make an argument that crosswalks should be painted a standard colour with expected markings, since it's a safety/accessibility issue that that point.

or displaying of flags supporting political, social, or religious movements or commercial entities

The people who put the package together lumped everything into the same category.

Sure, we should NOT have religious flags on our government buildings. By that token, we should remove any and all religion from those buildings and any texts, too. No mention of God, especially.

Commercial entities? Yeah, they don't belong on government flag poles.

Political? I'd need an example. I would not want to see the flag of various parties on a government building. That's just inappropriate.

But social movements? They stay. I WANT my local, provincial, and federal governments to show support for marginalized groups. That includes our LGBTQ, indigenous, disabled, visible minorities, etc.

I'm proud to see our local fire and police vehicles with rainbow flag stickers on them.

Separate the hate from the reasonable, and this petition might not seem so ass backwards.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 4 days ago

I'm not sure if the thoughtful trucker has used a typical light designed for bikes, but they cast light in a much wider area than directly in front of them, and are considerably smaller/less expensive than this proposed design.

That said, this won't solve the "I didn't see you" problem, since it's rarely the fault of the cyclist when a driver is on their phone, fallen asleep, is under the influence, or sucks at driving. 🤷‍♂️


"She said she didn’t see us. Didn’t see us. She was very, very upset."

The driver did stop and is not expected to be charged.

This makes me furious, but it's completely expected.

Cars are the only weapon where you can kill someone without consequence, even if it was pure negligence or entirely on purpose.


In my persistence to fit Linux in my life, I'm curious if some "must have" Windows software will work better if I just ran a Windows VM within Linux.

None of the software I need to work is needed to work continuously. They are basically programs that I fire up when needed, for a few minutes, then exited.

Wine will install them, but not run them, so I'm hoping a VM is the answer as I'm not interested in dual-booting to run a few Windows programs occasionally.


Also, "identical" has a different meaning here.

There's a special place in hell for the monster who dreamed up this captcha!


I've been trying out NextDNS and comparing it to Adguard DNS (, but unlike NextDNS, Adguard DNS' query log is quite vague, and I can't even tell if it's doing anything.

99% of the listed items in the Adguard DNS query log show up as "Processed", but the request clearly shows either advertiser or tracking as the categories.

It seems that unless I actually click BLOCK, the status doesn't really list these requests as Blocked, except for a very small number.

Is this normal behaviour? I assume any requests showing "processed" but not "blocked" are still going through, which is bad. NextDNS shows these same requests clearly as blocked or not, so at least I know that it's working.

Anyone have any thoughts, or clarification on how it works?


I'm talking about the ads that look like listings, but they have a small "AD" text on the corner.

These ads are often grotesque and offensive, and I'd rather not see them at all.

I've tried various block lists, but it's not removing them.

MORE CONTEXT: Sorry, I should have been more specific!

The gross/offensive ads seem to only be in the Aliexpress app (Android).

On the mobile and desktop browser version, I still get the "AD" listings, but they are of products related to things I've purchased or browse through (all bike related items). I'd like to get rid of those, too, but I guess the ones in the app are the worst type.

I do have Adguard for Android set to filter HTTPS requests from the Ali app, so I figure it's just a matter of finding the right filter. Hopefully, anyway!


It's been incredibly frustrating to ask for help or share ideas since Adguard killed their official forum.


Marlon Fernando JONES, age 47 from Oshawa is charged with numerous offences including: Aggravated Assault x3, Possess Weapon Dangerous to Public x2, Robbery with Violence, Assault with a Weapon x3, Carry Concealed Weapon, and Possess Schedule I Substance for the Purpose of Trafficking x2.

Mehki Steven HYMAN, age 24 from Whitby is charged with numerous offences including: Aggravated Assault, Possess Weapon Dangerous to Public, Carry Concealed Weapon, Assault with a Weapon, and Possess Schedule I Substance for the Purpose of Trafficking x2.

If baffles me that you stab a half dozen people in separate incidences and NOT be charged with attempted murder.

These two goons are a danger to society. Why even offer bail??


Another win for older tech?


Port Perry, Ontario Aug 2024


When I want something cheap, I usually hit Aliexpress (website). As I was looking at the Aliexpress app page on the Google Play Store to check its privacy details, TEMU came up as a recommended app.

Now, my wife has used TEMU in the past, but since she often can't find her way around things, I downplayed her negative experience as "user error". That said, I went to the TEMU website and started looking around.

I found something that was a reasonable price, but then get this message saying I could get this item free through the app... sigh. OK. I sign up with my usual fake/random credentials and add this "free" item to my cart.

A spinning prize wheel comes up. Hey, I can get THREE free items now! Sweet. I spend the next 3 hours looking for stuff I can actually use, doom-scrolling through everything from women's underwear to t-shirts with assault rifle print. Literally something for everyone. LOL

Then I select my third "free" item, and another spinning prize wheel comes up. "100% off the next $35". Ok.

I didn't need more stuff, but hey, 100% off sounds like more free stuff!

I spend another hour looking, keeping an eye on the amount "saved" (apparently $600+, for stuff that is sold on Aliexpress for maybe $25).

When I finally get to check out, I get another spinning prize wheel. "100% off $100"!! Goddamn, I'm on a roll here. How do these guys make any money?!!

More time looking... I must have spent well over 4 hours on their app. Time to check out.

$67? Huh? What about 100% off and all that nonsense? Enter your phone number*

  • You must agree to get promotional texts, or you can't check out... hmm, maybe my wife wasn't wrong.

In any case, there was no way to actually get anything "free". I deleted the app, deleted my account, and will never touch this scam ever again.

Do people actually end up getting anything from Temu? I thought AliExpress was bad, but the experience is 1000x better.


Hey guys, so it seems that Linkwarden isn't as good as I was hoping, since some websites will throw up a cookie popup or some other screen that basically prevents the capture.

Firefox Screenshot seems to work well, but it saves a PNG, which isn't really text searchable.

FF's "save page as..." feature seems to break things when viewing them back.

Save to PDF is another option, and that seems to be decent.

I'm not looking to copy entire websites, but I like to save web pages for later reference (i.e. instructions/specs).

I use Synology Note Station, but they don't have a web clipper for Firefox...

I'm fine with using a folder structure to store files, despite not being totally ideal when compared to Linkwarden.

Does anyone have any other suggestions that perhaps I've missed? Nothing too complicated... ideally, as simple as a button click would be great.

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