most people HERE specifically are probably doing it to signify either that it's funny, or that they aren't silently brooding, or to make fun of the lemmy people taking it seriously. It's more like a "har har" than going doe-eyed and slowly nodding like "yeah no, I know, I know, actually my partner and I decided against having children because white supremacy is..."
ymmv for other groups of people
nah bad post, unlimited cracKKKercide on mySSelf
The closest thing is literally just Dudes Rock, I think that's approaching the absolute peak of this
Every Snopes article now is like "well it's true but I don't care. Verdict: FALSE"
Yes definitely, that's the other main type of gen-z slang... Black gen-x slang. And it seems like even those borrowed terms lean towards the repurposed unfiltered ones. White programmers won't think of Black slang but eventually they'll get wise to it, unless it's too unique and risks overfiltering white boomers talking about their day.
Also I can wager that a lot of that 80's California surfer lingo was ripped off from Hawai'i. California is the engine of Hawai'i's cultural influence on the wider United States
What they're really doing is trying to slowly replace Google's current old-school AI functionality WITH more of the same LLM AI, same as every tech giant.
That's most of the layoffs: teams specialized around nom-LLM AI.
This is the entire fix to Google. Nearly every complex question is better with
If you think Reddit is bad, you haven't seen dozens of regurgitated blog articles stretched out by banner ads
Every genuine Gen Z linguistic invention is a word filter workaround. Nothing but mundane words that computer scientists can't filter for fear of filtering far larger numbers of mundane and innocent posts and significantly harming revenue for internet platforms, only to watch the kids select a new mundane word to describe a dick
ugh yeah I hate how many 4chan words I've seen on fucking TV