Is it just me or is Tekken hype back? Been a while since I've played (played bits of 5 and 6), but I don't remember people talking about them or 7 all that much.
Comrade ice, we just needed one small slip and fall. You've failed us
Hmm, I think I need a reminder why I don't eat my lunch in the break room (CW:queerphobia)
Co-workers talking about how sensitive people are. And what about? Claiming that lots of queer people are pedophiles and the sensitive person in question was a queer person who no longer works here.
I fucking hate how these days so many people talk about people being "too sensitive" when they make hateful comments like this. And then their justification was that they also don't go to church because priests are pedos too.
This hoodie make me hippier hoppier, right?
The British having a real moment.
Wow, so everyone will see the benefits of a "strong economy"?
Everyone is doing better, right
The most I get are 2-3 a day and most days I don't get any.
He doesn't want to spoil what happens in A24's Civil War. He'll march on Washington once the movie is released.
Its more than just American weapons being used.
Its having naval support to run cover for the genocide including having direct involvement in bombarding one of the few countries trying to militarily prevent the genocide. Providing logistical and tactical support. Its running propaganda to help justify what Israel is going (including Sanders). Its putting pressure on the global stage both at the UN and the ICJ to let Israel continue doing what its doing.
Anarcho-commie-globalist vampires
War criminals do be sticking together