yeah, i like that i cant move my windows around
joined 1 year ago
That pizza has never been within five feet of an oven, it’s anaemic
thats funny, but no, it actually just was on the table for a few hours
this is a local brand pizza from store near my house
no, it would smell bad. this is what i use for napkins for my nose (they are there because i am too lazy to get up from my desk and walk to the trash can), started like a half year ago and a few months ago bought that small trash can (i will use it, when that garbage bag will be full, yes it is not full yet)
it is actually a frozen pizza from a local store. and I eat those a lot, so I am a little bit lazy to use dishes
yes, it is the exact same pizza that is on the photo (thought brand is local, but never can be so sure in europe), though i am in czech. red pizzas from this company are on the second place of my personal frozen pizzas top. top 1 is