
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 12 hours ago

Wasting votes got us Bush, and it got us Trump, if you don't like the state of the political median, do your part to stop it from moving even further right.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

Never got over how the republicans successfully managed to goalpost move following international law on assylum applicants, into being a campaign issue.

This is what happens when we waste votes.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

You'd think so, but the EC is able to override a majority of even over 80% if the other candidate picks up half plus 1 victories in small states.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago (4 children)

If she's defending the morals of the Drukhari I'd start worrying about how much time she spends on certain parts of the internet if I were you.

Specifically the parts of the internet that involve giving her ideas for very not safe for family television things she plans to do to you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

It's entirely the EC.

Biden won by ten million votes, and it was still a clencher because some idjit in kansas thinks the candidates sucking Pennsylvania's fracking drill all election keeps their interests represented.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

Let the guy who handed Israel East Jerusalem, West Bank, and Golan Heights on a silver platter back into office, that'll show the dems for being too nice to Israel!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Bodies like the LvN and UN are inherently going to fail to achieve peace because they rely on willing compliance with almost zero enforcement mechanisms.

Because having enforcement mechanisms slams face first into the principle of state sovereignty.

The only way you'll build a world government is through the slow, grinding establishment of transnational federations like the proposed European Federation and East African Federation. Technically India is that already. Pan-Arabism seeks to establish a state of this sort.

The UN won't become an effective governing body until it's made the governing body of a united federation of earth, probably built over a VERY long period of state mergers between democratic nations.

Picture how unlikely it would be just for all of NATO to agree to a single constitution for all of them to join as a single state, now scale that up exponentially for the amount of work it'd take to convince Russia or China to democratically merge with such a state.

This state of the world we live in is the most united it's ever been in cooperative initiative and communication, and it's an absolute shit show that makes the HRE look like the pinnacle of effective internal integration of a state.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

If you're coming by tomorrow, I'm fixing on making about 4 gallons of pickling brine with like so much spicing.

Legit got 50 bucks of Saffron just to piecemeal it out for this specifically with bay leaves.

This shit gon' be FRAGRANT!

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago (5 children)

I am fascinated to see how this tech becomes miniturized and commercialized, 100% will be what causes the singularity, not from creating artificial people, but by becoming an implant enhancement that will almost definitely radically change how people that get it think and interact with the world around them in ways that are physically impossible for us to predict.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

Fun fact, those boys in red are wearing colors in tribute to Zouave units, Algerian auxiliaries of the french military that had become famous for being especially hard core during the crimean war.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (9 children)

Only reason my GF knows anything about 40k because of me is because I used the Mechanicum not knowing the actual technicals of how anything works to set up a joke about me being a software magos because all I do is write endless canticles of the endl semicolon

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I mean, what exactly would be the point of dedicating the effort to removing them?


To review from my previous post,

  • 7 Stripes for 7 Articles instead of 13 for 13 colonies.

  • 27 Stars for 27 Amendments instead of 50 for 50 states.

  • Colors borrowed from Plains Nations cardinal direction colors as a way to include land recognition in the design.

I originally tried using The Statue of Liberty's Torch as a visual divider between both sides, but some folks opined that it was a bit too hard to discern, so instead I leaned a bit more into the land recognition aspect and borrowed a Northeastern Nations bit of iconography, the broken arrow being a symbol of peace, and a two arrow exchange representing war.

Decided to pull a Venice and include a peacetime and wartime variant of the flag just to be quirky:P.


Instead of 13 stripes and 50 stars for colonies and states, this flag features 7 stripes and 27 stars for Articles of the Constitution and ensuing Amendments to it. I feel like mere territorial growth doesn't tell the story of America's development as a society and republic as well as tracking the changes to its constitution. Especially the voting rights amendments.

Colors borrow from the cardinal direction colors used by Indigenous American nations, (black and blue are interchangeable depending on which nation your speaking to). This was done to bake some land recognition into the flag.

Lastly the torch of Lady Liberty is included both to visually distinct the flag from the original stars and stripes, but also to signify America's status as a nation of immigrants. 99% of all Americans today either are an immigrant themselves or have an ancestor within living memory who was one, and Lady Liberty became a sort of patron saint of such folks by being the first sight a lot of people saw coming to America for the first time, not to mention how she's technically an immigrant herself having been gifted from france.


The man regularly outwits far more supposedly cognizant opponents including Batman and Lex Luthor, who are canonically recognized as two of thr smartest people on the entire planet.

Edit: I'm not saying insane people are stupid, I'm saying that Joker's mental illnesses are pretty obviously behavioral, they don't affect his perception of reality. He's perfectly capable of understanding what he's doing and how it's wrong, in fact his character almost doesn't work if he doesn't, he just thinks that it's all hilarious anyways. That's why I said he's not insane, he just pretends to be, because he'd be fit to stand criminal trial as fully competent and cognizant of his actions.

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